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如何使用 python 在一个字符串中查找多个子字符串的跨度?

[英]How to find the span of multiple sub-string in one string using python?

I have a text like我有一个像

xxxx BP 160/110 12/6/2018 sitting left arm @xyz hospital xxxx HgbA1c 12% on 21/1/2019 xxxx xxxx BP 160/110坐在左边 arm @xyz 医院 xxxx HgbA1c HgbA1c 12% on 21/1/2019 xxxx

and another string和另一个字符串

bp 160/110 hgba1c 12% bp 160/110 hgba1c 12%

Now, how can I get the span of each finding as below现在,我怎样才能得到每个发现的跨度如下

[(5, 15), (62, 72)] [(5, 15), (62, 72)]

Note: The above mentioned patterns can vary a lot.注意:上述模式可能会有很大差异。 So I want to achieve some dynamic solution.所以我想实现一些动态的解决方案。

Thanks in Advance提前致谢

This function will find the minimum and maximum bounds that contain the substring (otherwise, it will return False)这个 function 将找到包含 substring 的最小和最大边界(否则,它将返回 False)

import collections

def find_substring_bounds(a, b):
    need = collections.Counter(b)
    missing = len(b)
    for end, char in enumerate(a, 1):
        if need[char] > 0:
            missing -= 1
        need[char] -= 1
        if missing == 0: # found all the characters
            start = 0
            while start < end and need[a[start]] < 0:
                need[a[start]] += 1
                start += 1
            need[a[start]] += 1
            return start, end
    return False

We then need to find the middle-left and middle-right bounds:然后我们需要找到中左和中右边界:

def mid_left_mid_right(a, b, left, right):
    mid_left = left
    for mid_left, (c1, c2) in enumerate(zip(a[left:], b)):
        if c1 != c2:
    mid_right = right
    for mid_right, (c1, c2) in enumerate(zip(a[:right][::-1], b[::-1])):
        if c1 != c2:
    return [(left, left+mid_left), (right-mid_right, right)]


s1 = "xxxx BP 160/110 12/6/2018 sitting left arm @xyz hospital xxxx HgbA1c 12% on 21/1/2019 xxxx"
s2 = "bp 160/110 hgba1c 12%"
left_, right_ = find_substring_bounds(s1.lower(), s2)
res = mid_left_mid_right(s1.lower(), s2, left_, right_)


[(5, 16), (61, 72)]

You may need to amend this for any edge cases in your dataset.您可能需要针对数据集中的任何边缘情况对此进行修改。

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