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Vue ChartJS折线图不显示

[英]Vue ChartJS Line Chart not displaying

I am using chartjs with the vue-chartjs wrapper and trying to create a Line Chart using data fetched from my api.我正在使用带有 vue-chartjs 包装器的 chartjs,并尝试使用从我的 api 获取的数据创建折线图。 The data prints to the console as expected and I do not get a error in the console.数据按预期打印到控制台,我没有在控制台中收到错误。 The resulting Line Chart does not display at all in the browser.结果折线图根本不显示在浏览器中。 There is, however a large amount of white space where the canvas tag is injected.然而,在注入canvas标签的地方有大量空白。 I can create a doughnut chart fine, just not this line chart.我可以很好地创建一个圆环图,而不是这个折线图。 Your help is greatly appreciated!非常感谢您的帮助! I am using code from the Chart examples found at https://vue-chartjs.org/examples/ for the LineChart component我正在使用https://vue-chartjs.org/examples/中的图表示例中的代码作为LineChart组件


 <script setup> import axios from 'axios' import { onMounted, reactive } from 'vue' import LineChart from '@/components/LineChart.vue' const data = reactive({ user: null, totals: null, checkins: null }) const state = reactive({ loading: true }) const charts = reactive({ doughnutConfig: null, lineConfig: null }) onMounted(async () => { // load data from store and api data.user = await userStore.fetchUser() const user_resp = await axios.get(...) data.totals = user_resp.data.totals data.checkins = user_resp.data.check_ins state.loading = false // create line chart var dates = [] var ratings = [] var length = data.checkins.length < 10? data.checkins.length: 10 for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { dates.push(data.checkins[i].date) ratings.push(data.checkins[i].rating) } console.log(dates) // [ "2022-09-04T00:00:00", "2022-09-04T00:00:00", "2022-09-04T00:00:00", "2022-09-04T00:00:00", "2022-09-05T00:00:00" ] console.log(ratings) // [ 5, 5, 3, 2, 4 ] charts.lineConfig = { data: { labels: dates, datasets: { label: 'Ratings by date', data: ratings, backgroundColor: '#f87979' } }, options: { responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: false, plugins: { legend: { display: false } } } } }) </script> <template> <LineChart v-if="charts.lineConfig":chart-options="charts.lineConfig.options":chart-data="charts.lineConfig.data":width="400":height="300" /> </template>


 <script setup> import { defineProps } from 'vue' import { Line } from 'vue-chartjs' import { Chart as ChartJS, Title, Tooltip, Legend, LineElement, LinearScale, PointElement, CategoryScale } from 'chart.js' ChartJS.register( Title, Tooltip, Legend, LineElement, LinearScale, PointElement, CategoryScale ) const props = defineProps({ chartData: { type: Object, required: true }, chartOptions: { type: Object, required: true }, chartId: { type: String, default: 'line-chart' }, width: { type: Number, required: true }, height: { type: Number, required: true } }) </script> <template> <Line:chart-id="props.chartId":chart-data="props.chartData":chart-options="props.chartOptions":width="props.width":height="props.height" /> </template>

Usually when a chart is not shown, there is an issue on the data configuration.通常当图表未显示时,数据配置存在问题。

In your data config, the datasets option seems to be defined as an object but instead should be an array.在您的数据配置中, datasets选项似乎被定义为 object 但应该是一个数组。

 data: {
      labels: dates,
      datasets: { // <--- should be an array.
        label: 'Ratings by date',
        data: ratings,
        backgroundColor: '#f87979'

It should be:它应该是:

 data: {
      labels: dates,
      datasets: [{
        label: 'Ratings by date',
        data: ratings,
        backgroundColor: '#f87979'

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