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[英]Formatting multiple lists into a table

I need to format four separate lists (not nested) that look like this:我需要格式化四个单独的列表(非嵌套),如下所示:

header          =   ["Product:"  ,"Price:"    ,"Quantity:"]

productList     =   ["apple"    ,"banana"     ,"cake"]
productPrice    =   [3.50       ,6.82         ,23.00]
productQty      =   [134        ,52           ,5]

into a table that looks like this:进入一个看起来像这样的表:

Product:        Price:          Quantity
Apple           $3.50           134
Banana          $6.82           52
Cake            $23.00          5

I want this table to update with the original source lists.我希望该表使用原始源列表进行更新。 I know I will need to execute this with some sort of loop.我知道我需要用某种循环来执行这个。 So for example if I was to update the lists:例如,如果我要更新列表:

header          =   ["Product:"  ,"Price:"    ,"Quantity:"]

productList     =   ["apple"    ,"banana"     ,"cake"     ,"newItem1"]
productPrice    =   [3.50       ,6.82         ,23.00      ,00.00]
productQty      =   [134        ,52           ,5          ,100]

the table would now look like:该表现在看起来像:

Product:        Price:          Quantity
Apple           $3.50           134
Banana          $6.82           52
Cake            $23.00          5
newItem1        $00.00          100

Any ideas?有任何想法吗? Any help, pointers, or tips would be useful.任何帮助、指示或提示都会很有用。

You can use pandas您可以使用pandas

import pandas as pd

header = ["Product:", "Price:", "Quantity:"]
productList = ["apple", "banana", "cake", "newItem1"]
productPrice = [3.50, 6.82, 23.00, 00.00]
productQty = [134, 52, 5, 100]

df = pd.DataFrame({header[0]: productList, header[1]: [f'${p:.2f}' for p in productPrice], header[2]: productQty})


   Product:  Price:  Quantity:
0     apple   $3.50        134
1    banana   $6.82         52
2      cake  $23.00          5
3  newItem1   $0.00        100
    # convert below table into a format shown
header          =   ["Product:"  ,"Price:"    ,"Quantity:"]
productList     =   ["apple"    ,"banana"     ,"cake"]
productPrice    =   [3.50       ,6.82         ,23.00]
productQty      =   [134        ,52           ,5]

# make table from header, productList, productPrice, productQty
# convert table into a format shown below
Product:        Price:          Quantity
Apple           $3.50           134
Banana          $6.82           52
Cake            $23.00          5
newItem1        $00.00          100
# make table from header, productList, productPrice, productQty
for i in range(len(productList)):

#use dataframes, make productlist as index, headers as columns
import pandas as pd

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