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MAMP Pro 中的 PHP 7.1.33 在 max_execution_time 设置中的 go 不会超过 30 秒

[英]PHP 7.1.33 in MAMP Pro doesn't go above 30 seconds in max_execution_time setting

I'm working in a Cake PHP 2 application, I'm running some big queries that require PHP's max_execution_time setting to be higher than 30 seconds.我在 Cake PHP 2 应用程序中工作,我正在运行一些需要 PHP 的max_execution_time设置高于 30 秒的大查询。 I've dumped phpinfo() on the page and can see that it's being pulled through, and if I change it from 40 to something like 5, it does exit after 5 seconds.我已经在页面上转储了phpinfo()并且可以看到它正在被拉出,如果我将它从 40 更改为 5 之类的东西,它会在 5 秒后退出。

But anything above 30 seconds and it just exits at 30. What am I missing?但是任何超过 30 秒的时间,它都会在 30 秒时退出。我错过了什么?

I've tried editing every PHP conf file offered by MAMP pro and still no luck.我已经尝试编辑 MAMP pro 提供的每个 PHP conf 文件,但仍然没有运气。 在此处输入图像描述 在此处输入图像描述

You can take a look at the php documentation, which mentions:您可以查看 php 文档,其中提到:

Your web server can have other timeout configurations that may also interrupt PHP execution.您的 web 服务器可能具有其他超时配置,这些配置也可能会中断 PHP 的执行。 Apache has a Timeout directive and IIS has a CGI timeout function. Apache 有一个超时指令,IIS 有一个 CGI 超时 function。 Both default to 300 seconds.两者都默认为 300 秒。 See your web server documentation for specific details.有关特定详细信息,请参阅 web 服务器文档。

If you are Apache Web Server, check the Timeout directive.如果您是 Apache Web 服务器,请检查超时指令。

refer to:参考:

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