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列出 Azure 内部负载均衡器和应用程序网关的前端 IP

[英]List frontend IP of Azure Internal Loadbalancer and Application Gateway

I am trying to pull an inventory of all the frontend IP addresses of Azure Internal Loadbalancer and Application Gateway and export them to a spreadsheet.我正在尝试提取 Azure 内部负载均衡器和应用程序网关的所有前端 IP 地址的清单,并将它们导出到电子表格。 I tried looking up, but the most results tend to be towards pulling the Public IP information.我尝试查找,但大多数结果倾向于拉公共 IP 信息。

Using Azure CLI the following command will pull the desired information.使用 Azure CLI,以下命令将提取所需信息。 Make sure to be in the right subscription or add the parameter for it确保在正确的订阅中或为其添加参数

Load Balancer负载均衡器

az network lb list --query "[].{ name: name, privateIpAddresses: join(', ', frontendIpConfigurations[*].privateIpAddress) }" -o tsv

Application Gateway应用程序网关

az network lb list --query "[].{ name: name, privateIpAddresses: join(', ', frontendIpConfigurations[*].privateIpAddress) }" -o tsv

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