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如何在字符串中的单词周围放置 html 标记

[英]How to put html tag around word in string

I need to identify a word in the string and then add the tag "< strong >word< /strong > " around the word.我需要识别字符串中的一个单词,然后在单词周围添加标签“<strong>word</strong>”。 It turns out that there are Words that start with an uppercase or lowercase letter, so I need to identify both cases and print the result with the tag around the word.事实证明,有些单词以大写或小写字母开头,因此我需要识别这两种情况并在单词周围使用标签打印结果。

My code is like this:我的代码是这样的:

@foreach($versiculos as $v)
           <p>{{ $v->palavra }} </p>


my controller:我的 controller:

public function palavras(Request $request, $palavra = null)
        $getpalavra = palavras_br::where('slug', $palavra)->first();

        $versiculos = nvi::where('palavra', 'RLIKE','[[:<:]]'.$getpalavra->palavras.'[[:>:]]')->paginate(20);
        return view('palavra', compact(['versiculos','getpalavra']));



string: "Adão teve relações com Eva, sua mulher, e ela engravidou e deu à luz Caim. Disse ela: "Com o auxílio do Senhor tive um filho homem". string: "Adão teve relações com Eva, sua mulher, e ela engravidou e deu à luz Caim. Disse ela: "Com o auxílio do Senhor tive um filho homem"。

I need to take the word "filho" and replace it with "< strong >filho< / strong >我需要把“filho”这个词换成“<strong>filho</strong>

But I need to keep the word the way it is, because it can appear with upper or lower case "filho" or "Filho".但我需要保持这个词的原样,因为它可以与大写或小写“filho”或“Filho”一起出现。 And in both cases I need to wrap them by the < strong > tag.在这两种情况下,我都需要用 <strong> 标签包装它们。

How can I identify the word and add the tags around the word I need??如何识别单词并在我需要的单词周围添加标签?

Not sure how this fits into your controller, but check preg_replace https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.preg-replace.php不确定这如何适合您的 controller,但请检查 preg_replace https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.preg-replace.ZE1BFD762321E409CEE4AC0B6E84196

Without giving the full answer (best if you work it out for yourself, then you know for next time) here are some hints:在没有给出完整答案的情况下(最好是自己解决,下次就知道了)这里有一些提示:

  • The pattern will be '[WordBreak]word[WordBreak]'模式将是“[WordBreak]word[WordBreak]”
  • You need "case insensitive"你需要“不区分大小写”
  • In order to keep the case the same, you need to use "back references" (all described in the manual)为了保持大小写相同,您需要使用“反向引用”(均在手册中描述)

Start by getting the replace to work without the back reference (so "Hello" may get replaced by "hello") and then build the back reference in as a second step.首先让替换在没有反向引用的情况下工作(因此“Hello”可能会被“hello”替换),然后在第二步中构建反向引用。

Other note: PHP has classes for manipulating HTML, but probably not going to help you in this particular case.其他注意事项:PHP 具有用于操作 HTML 的类,但在这种特殊情况下可能对您没有帮助。

Hope that helps.希望有帮助。

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