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Flutter:当应用程序在后台时,如何在 ios 上显示全屏来电?

[英]Flutter: How to display fullscreen incoming call on ios when the app is in background?

I was developing a video call application, and I want to show incoming calls.我正在开发一个视频通话应用程序,我想显示来电。 When The phone is in the foreground I was able to show a full screen in both android and ios.当手机在前台时,我能够在 android 和 ios 中显示全屏。

and when the app is minimized, in android I achieved it by bringing the app to foreground and navigate to the invitation screen.当应用程序最小化时,在 android 中,我通过将应用程序置于前台并导航到邀请屏幕来实现它。

but in ios, I couldn't do that.但在 ios 中,我做不到。 I tried URL scheme but, URL scheme opens the app from other app.我尝试了 URL 方案,但是 URL 方案从其他应用程序打开应用程序。 when I try to call in the app it throws the following exception.当我尝试在应用程序中调用时,它会引发以下异常。

Runner[4647:51243] [default] Failed to open URL exampleapp://: Error Domain=FBSOpenApplicationServiceErrorDomain Code=1 "The request to open "com.exampleapp" failed." Runner[4647:51243] [default] 无法打开 URL exampleapp://:错误 Domain=FBSOpenApplicationServiceErrorDomain Code=1 “打开“com.exampleapp”的请求失败。” UserInfo={BSErrorCodeDescription=RequestDenied, NSUnderlyingError=0x600000acabe0 {Error Domain=FBSOpenApplicationErrorDomain Code=3 "Application com.exampleapp is neither visible nor entitled, so may not perform un-trusted user actions." UserInfo={BSErrorCodeDescription=RequestDenied, NSUnderlyingError=0x600000acabe0 {Error Domain=FBSOpenApplicationErrorDomain Code=3 “应用程序 com.exampleapp 既不可见也没有授权,因此不能执行不受信任的用户操作。” UserInfo={BSErrorCodeDescription=Security, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Application com.exampleapp is neither visible nor entitled, so may not perform un-trusted user actions.}}, NSLocalizedDescription=The request to open "com.exampleapp" failed., FBSOpenApplicationRequestID=0x46fb, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The request was denied by service delegate (SBMainWorkspace) for reason: Security ("Application com.exampleapp is neither visible nor entitled, so may not perform un-trusted user actions" UserInfo={BSErrorCodeDescription=Security, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Application com.exampleapp 既不可见也没有授权,因此不能执行不受信任的用户操作。}}, NSLocalizedDescription=打开“com.exampleapp”的请求失败。, FBSOpenApplicationRequestID=0x46fb, NSLocalizedFailureReason=请求被服务委托 (SBMainWorkspace) 拒绝,原因是:安全性(“应用程序 com.exampleapp 既不可见也无权,因此不能执行不受信任的用户操作”

I searched online but couldn't find anything helpful.我在网上搜索但找不到任何有用的东西。

How to show a full-screen incoming call when the app is in background in ios, like WhatsUp?当应用程序在 ios 中的后台时,如何显示全屏来电,例如 WhatsUp?

I guess that is only possible using IOS Call-Kit, Try to explore IOS Call-Kit Else there is no solution for that我想这只能使用 IOS Call-Kit,尝试探索 IOS Call-Kit 否则没有解决方案


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