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如何在 ng zorro 表中动态设置可滚动内容?

[英]How to set scrollable content dinamically in ng zorro table?

I have a ng-zorro table and i would want the scroll bar to resize when i resize the browser window (say for example in a smaller device).我有一个 ng-zorro 表,我希望在调整浏览器 window 的大小时调整滚动条的大小(例如在较小的设备中)。 So that it will be dinamically changed based on the page size, how to do that?这样它将根据页面大小进行动态更改,该怎么做?

Well, firstly you should provide more context to your question: for example you could provide a minimal reproducible example and some code so we can have more context to the question asked.好吧,首先你应该为你的问题提供更多的上下文:例如,你可以提供一个最小的可重现示例和一些代码,这样我们就可以对所提出的问题有更多的上下文。

But anyway i will try to answer your question:但无论如何我会尝试回答你的问题:

Here's what you can do:以下是您可以执行的操作:

  • looking at the ng-zorro table i see that there is a property for nzScroll that takes an object as argument.查看ng-zorro 表,我看到nzScroll有一个属性,它以 object 作为参数。
  • so when you delcare the table you can do this:因此,当您删除表格时,您可以这样做:
<nz-table [nzScroll]="{ y: 'calc(100vh - 276px)' }">

What is that code doing?这段代码在做什么?

  • So since we want to scroll vertically (and not horizontally) we need to change the y axis ence the y: in the code.因此,由于我们要垂直滚动(而不是水平滚动),我们需要在代码中更改 y 轴和y: :。

  • you can assign a pixel value to that y but that will result your scrollbar to have a fixed height so resizing the window will not resize the scrollbar.您可以为该y分配一个像素值,但这将导致您的滚动条具有固定的高度,因此调整 window 的大小不会调整滚动条的大小。

  • what i did was calculate all the elements heights in my page so that i know how much height my table is taking.我所做的是计算页面中所有元素的高度,这样我就知道我的桌子占用了多少高度。 I did this when the table was empty using an extension for google chrome smart page ruler extension当表格为空时,我使用 google chrome 智能页面标尺扩展的扩展来执行此操作

  • knowing the elements height in my page i could subtract that amount to the viewHeight of my page.知道我页面中的元素高度,我可以将该数量减去我页面的viewHeight

  • Therefore everytime you resize the window the scrollbar is going to resize because is calculating the difference between 100% of the viewHeight and the sum between all of your elements heights.因此,每次调整 window 的大小时,滚动条都会调整大小,因为正在计算 100% 的 viewHeight 与所有元素高度之间的总和之间的差异。

If you have any question about my answer i will happly answer, cheers!如果您对我的回答有任何疑问,我会很乐意回答,干杯!

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