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从嵌套的 json 和 python 中提取键值对作为元组

[英]Extract key-value pairs as a tuple from nested json with python

I want to extract all key-value pairs from JSON file, I loaded it as a Python dictionary.我想从 JSON 文件中提取所有键值对,我将其加载为 Python 字典。 I created this function below that stores all values.我在下面创建了这个 function 来存储所有值。 However, I am struggling to put them inside a list to store them like that.但是,我正在努力将它们放在一个列表中以便像这样存储它们。 Any support is very appreciated.非常感谢任何支持。

json_example = {'name': 'TheDude',
 'age': '19',
 'hobbies': {
         'love': 'eating',
         'hate': 'reading',
         'like': [
                 {'outdoor': {
                         'teamsport': 'soccer',

# My code - Extract values

def extract_values(dct, lst=[]):
    if not isinstance(dct, (list, dict)):
    elif isinstance(dct, list):
        for i in dct:
            extract_values(i, lst)
    elif isinstance(dct, dict):
        for v in dct.values():
            extract_values(v, lst)
    return lst

# Extract keys

def matt_keys(dct):
    if not isinstance(dct, (list, dict)):
        return ['']
    if isinstance(dct, list):
        return [dk for i in dct for dk in matt_keys(i)]
    return [k+('_'+dk if dk else '') for k, v in dct.items() for dk in matt_keys(v)]

Current output:当前 output:

['TheDude', '19', 'eating'...]

Desired output:所需的 output:

[('name': 'TheDude'), ('age', '19'), ..., ('hobbies_love', 'eating'), ... , ('hobbies_like_outdoor_teamsport', 'soccer')]

Also if there is a more efficient or cleaner way to extract this, then it would be great.此外,如果有一种更有效或更清洁的方法来提取它,那就太好了。

Issues : Your recursive function currently does not pass the key as part of the function call.问题:您的递归 function 当前未将密钥作为 function 调用的一部分传递。 Also, you will need to deal with nesting when trying to create the key.此外,在尝试创建密钥时,您将需要处理嵌套。

Hints : We can assemble a list of all the keys that lead to a particular value (eg ['hobbies', 'love'] ) and then join the keys into a single string (eg hobbies_love ).提示:我们可以将导致特定值的所有键组合成一个列表(例如['hobbies', 'love'] ),然后将这些键连接成一个字符串(例如hobbies_love )。

Solution : Here is your code with the changes implemented:解决方案:这是您实施了更改的代码:

def extract_values(dct, lst=[], keys=[]):
    if not isinstance(dct, (list, dict)):
        lst.append(('_'.join(keys), dct))
    elif isinstance(dct, list):
        for i in dct:
            extract_values(i, lst, keys)
    elif isinstance(dct, dict):
        for k, v in dct.items():
            extract_values(v, lst, keys)
    return lst

x = extract_values(json_example)

Output : The above code will produce the following desired output: Output :上面的代码将产生以下所需的 output:

[('name', 'TheDude'), ('age', '19'), ('hobbies_love', 'eating'), ('hobbies_hate', 'reading'), ('hobbies_like_outdoor_teamsport', 'soccer')]

well, here'sa different approach for your desired solution (used recursivity):好吧,这是您所需解决方案的不同方法(使用递归):

def extract_values(json_dict):
    result = []
    for key , value in json_dict.items():
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            result += [
                (f'{key}_{val[0]}', val[1]) for val in extract_values(value)
        elif isinstance(value, str):
            result.append((key, value))
        elif isinstance(value, list):
            result += [
                (f'{key}_{val[0]}', val[1]) for i in range(len(value)) 
                for val in extract_values(value[i])

    return result

to test..去测试..

# testing:
json_example = {'name': 'TheDude',
 'age': '19',
 'hobbies': {
         'love': 'eating',
         'hate': 'reading',
         'like': [
                 {'outdoor': {
                         'teamsport': 'soccer',


output: output:

[('name', 'TheDude'), ('age', '19'), ('hobbies_love', 'eating'), ('hobbies_hate', 'reading'), ('hobbies_like_outdoor_teamsport', 'soccer')]

When you use json.load or json.loads to get your Python object from the JSON file/string, you can pass in an object hook that completely simplifies what you are trying to do with the Python object. When you use json.load or json.loads to get your Python object from the JSON file/string, you can pass in an object hook that completely simplifies what you are trying to do with the Python object. Read the JSON module docs for more info.阅读 JSON 模块文档了解更多信息。

from json import load, loads
key_value_pairs = list()
object_hook = lambda obj: key_value_pairs.extend(obj.items())

# if you’re reading a json file
_ = load(open("myfile.json"), object_hook=object_hook)

# if you’re reading a json string
_ = loads(myjsonstr, object_hook=object_hook)

# at this point, `key_value_pairs` will be a
# flat list of every kv-pair

Here's my try with the yield keyword which avoid the list as argument:这是我对yield关键字的尝试,它避免将列表作为参数:

json_example = {'name': 'TheDude',
 'age': '19',
 'hobbies': {
         'love': 'eating',
         'hate': 'reading',
         'like': [
                 {'outdoor': {
                         'teamsport': 'soccer',

def extract_values(dct, prefix=""):
    if isinstance(dct, str):
        yield prefix, dct
            for key, one_value in dct.items():
                if prefix:
                    new_prefix = "_".join([prefix, key])
                    new_prefix = key
                yield from extract_values(one_value, prefix=new_prefix)
        except AttributeError:
            for one_value in dct:
                yield from extract_values(one_value, prefix=prefix)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print([one_value for one_value in extract_values(json_example)])

it prints:它打印:

[('name', 'TheDude'), ('age', '19'), ('hobbies_love', 'eating'), ('hobbies_hate', 'reading'), ('hobbies_like_outdoor_teamsport', 'soccer')]

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