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Powershell 管道多个 PSCustomObjects 除了第一个 object

[英]Powershell piping multiple PSCustomObjects drops all but first object

I'm making some modules to make RESTAPI calls easier for our software (since all resources use different logic to how I can find them and how they should be called but that's a separate story).我正在制作一些模块以使我们的软件更容易调用 RESTAPI(因为所有资源都使用不同的逻辑来找到它们以及应该如何调用它们,但这是一个单独的故事)。 I'm making Get-, Set-, New-, and Remove- for each resource and just found that you can't pipe more than one object to modules that takes arrays from the pipeline.我正在为每个资源制作 Get-、Set-、New- 和 Remove-,只是发现您不能将 pipe 超过一个 object 到从管道中获取 arrays 的模块。 Here's an illustration of the problem that you can copy-paste into your environment:这是您可以复制粘贴到您的环境中的问题的说明:

function Get-MyTest {


    [array]$Output = @()

    foreach($Item in $MyInput){


        $Output += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name = $Item
            Id = $i


    return $Output


function Get-IncorrectResults {


    foreach ($Item in $MyIncorrectInput) {
        Write-Host "Current object: $Item `n "



The Get module can return more than one object. Get 模块可以返回多个 object。 Each object returned is a PSCustomObject , so if there are more than one returned it becomes an array of PSCustomObjects .返回的每个 object 都是一个PSCustomObject ,因此如果返回的不止一个,它将成为一个PSCustomObjects数组。 Here's the problem:这是问题所在:

This works:这有效:

$Results = Get-MyTest -MyInput "Test1","Test2","Test3"
Get-IncorrectResults -MyIncorrectInput $Results

This only returns the first item:这仅返回第一项:

$Results = Get-MyTest -MyInput "Test1","Test2","Test3"
$Results | Get-IncorrectResults

If the Get part returns more than one object, only the first object is passed on to the Remove-MyModule .如果 Get 部分返回多个 object,则仅将第一个 object 传递给Remove-MyModule I tried changing the parameter definition from [pscustomobject[]] to [array] but it's the same result.我尝试将参数定义从[pscustomobject[]]更改为[array]但结果相同。 What is the reason for dropping all but the first array item when piping but not when using it as a parameter?在管道时删除除第一个数组项之外的所有项的原因是什么,但在将其用作参数时却没有?

The structure of an advanced PowerShell function is as follows:高级PowerShell function的结构如下:

function Function-Name {
    <# parameter definitions go here#>

  begin {
    <# this runs once when the pipeline starts #>

  process {
    <# this runs once for every input item piped to the function #>

  end {
    <# this runs once at the end of the pipeline #>

When you omit the begin / process / end blocks, PowerShell assumes your function body is really the end block - so this function definition:当您省略begin / process / end块时,PowerShell 假定您的 function 主体确实是end块 - 所以这个 function 定义:

function Function-Name {


... is the exact same as: ...与以下内容完全相同:

function Function-Name {

  begin {}

  process {}

  end {Do-Something}

Notice that the process block - the only piece of the function body that repeats with new input - is assumed empty, and the Do-Something statement will not be executed until after the last input item has been received.请注意, process块 - function 主体中唯一与新输入重复的部分 - 假定为空,并且在收到最后一个输入项之前不会执行Do-Something语句。

This is why it looks like it "drops" everything but the last input object.这就是为什么它看起来“丢弃”除了最后一个输入 object 之外的所有内容。

Place the code that consumes the pipeline-bound variable inside the process block and it'll work:将使用管道绑定变量的代码放在process块中,它将起作用:



    process {
        foreach($Module in $MyModules){
            Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri "MyURL" -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Module) -UseDefaultCredentials

For more information about the syntax and semantics of advanced functions, see the about_Functions_Advanced_Methods help file有关高级函数的语法和语义的更多信息,请参阅about_Functions_Advanced_Methods帮助文件

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