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您可以参考 application.properties 中的 Azure Key Vault 机密吗?

[英]Can you reference Azure Key Vault secrets inside application.properties?

I have a record:我有一个记录:

public record ServiceApiConfig(String clientId, String clientSecret) {}

and an application.properties file:和一个 application.properties 文件:


and the binding works when I'm doing local development.当我进行本地开发时,绑定有效。

What I want to do is to use Azure services (Azure Spring Apps, Key Vault, etc.) and my question is whether I can, inside application.properties file, reference secrets stored in the Key Vault.我想做的是使用 Azure 服务(Azure Spring 应用程序、Key Vault 等),我的问题是我是否可以在 application.properties 文件中引用存储在 Key Vault 中的机密。 Something like this:像这样的东西:


Tutorials I've seen make me think that the only way to do the binding is by using @Value("${nameOfTheSecret}") annotation on fields in java classes.我看过的教程让我认为进行绑定的唯一方法是在 java 类中的字段上使用@Value("${nameOfTheSecret}")注释。 Is it possible to do it in a way that I want?是否有可能以我想要的方式做到这一点?

You can reference Azure Key Vault secrets inside the application.properties file by adding the below properties of azure key vault which you want to connect from the spring boot application:您可以在application.properties文件中引用 Azure Key Vault 机密,方法是添加要从 Z2A2D595E6ED9A0B24F027F2B63B134 引导应用程序连接的 azure 密钥库的以下属性:

spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.secret.property-sources[0].credential.client-id=<your client ID>
spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.secret.property-sources[0].credential.client-secret=<your client key>
spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.secret.property-sources[0].profile.tenant-id=<your tenant ID>

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