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使用 php 中的 file_get_contents 发送 GET 请求

[英]Using file_get_contents in php to send a GET request

can I use file_get_contents to send an http request to my host with GET parameters?我可以使用 file_get_contents 使用 GET 参数向我的主机发送 http 请求吗? If yes, I have other 3 questions: Firstly, how?如果是,我还有其他 3 个问题:首先,如何? Can I use https instead of http?我可以使用 https 代替 http 吗? Can I send them to another host (an external one)?我可以将它们发送到另一台主机(外部主机)吗? Thx in advance, pls don't blame me if it is stupid提前谢谢,如果它很愚蠢,请不要怪我


  1. Add the parameters to the URL after ?将参数添加到 URL 之后? : ?param1=value1&param2=value2 . : ?param1=value1&param2=value2 You can use http_build_query() to convert an associative array to URL query parameters.您可以使用http_build_query()将关联数组转换为 URL 查询参数。
  2. Yes, just put https: in the URL.是的,只需将https:放入 URL 中即可。
  3. Yes, you can send to any URL.是的,您可以发送到任何 URL。
$result = file_get_contents('https://www.google.com/search?q=words+to+search+for');

file_get_contents is a stream fonction, so you can create a stream context and pass it to this function: file_get_contents 是一个 stream 函数,因此您可以创建一个 stream 上下文并将其传递给此 function:

$context = stream_context_create( 
array( 'https' => // or any other protocol
 'method' => 'GET', // or post ..
 // any other params you need
$response = file_get_contents('https://my-api.com/users' . http_build_query($params), false, $context);

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