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Firebase 部署链接显示空白或部署完成

[英]Firebase Deploy Link shows Blank or Deploy complete

Have an issue where the Firebase deploy link shows "Firebase Hosting Setup Complete."存在 Firebase 部署链接显示“Firebase 托管设置完成”的问题。 I've tried just about everything on stackoverflow with no success.我在stackoverflow上尝试了几乎所有的东西,但都没有成功。

I have it set to "build" not "public" in my firebase.json for hosting and it's not doing anything.我在我的 firebase.json 中将其设置为“构建”而不是“公共”,但它什么也没做。 I've tried messing with the index.html but then the screen just comes up white/blank.我试过弄乱 index.html 但随后屏幕出现白色/空白。

I've also deleted firebase files completely and started the init over.我还完全删除了 firebase 文件并重新开始初始化。 Still comes back the same.还是一样回来。

Has anyone else ran into this lately?最近有没有其他人遇到过这种情况?

It's hard to tell without any code snippets or firebase config files but I believe if you specify your public location as "build" you do not need to include the rewrites property in the firebase.json file.没有任何代码片段或 firebase 配置文件很难说,但我相信如果您将公共位置指定为“构建”,则不需要在firebase.json文件中包含rewrites属性。 According to The Docs ,根据文档

Set up rewrites for any of these purposes:为以下任何目的设置重写:

  • Show the same content for multiple URLs.为多个 URL 显示相同的内容。 Learn how.学习怎样。

  • Serve a function or access a Cloud Run container from a Hosting URL.提供 function 或从托管 URL 访问 Cloud Run 容器。 Learn how: function or container.了解如何:function 或容器。

  • Create a custom domain Dynamic Link.创建自定义域动态链接。 Learn how.学习怎样。

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