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在 eslint 的 react js(下一个 js)中找不到 Airbnb typescript 的选项

[英]couldn't find an option for Airbnb typescript in react js ( next js ) in eslint


couldn't find an option for Airbnb typescript in react js ( next js ) in eslint, before this happened I install the storybook and click yes on option to migrate eslint storybook在 eslint 中的 react js(下一个 js)中找不到 Airbnb typescript 的选项,在此之前我安装了故事书并单击“是”选项以迁移 eslint 故事书

Maybe this installation can help you https://github.com/storybookjs/eslint-plugin-storybook .也许这个安装可以帮助你https://github.com/storybookjs/eslint-plugin-storybook I belive @eslint/config not ask directly storybook, after your question I also try npm init @eslint/config in a project but it also not ask storybook to me.我相信@eslint/config 不会直接问故事书,在您提出问题后,我也会在项目中尝试npm init @eslint/config但它也不会向我询问故事书。

Other than that if you use ts,react and storybook you may use dts https://weiran-zsd.github.io/dts-cli/ .除此之外,如果您使用 ts、react 和 storybook,您可以使用 dts https://weiran-zsd.github.io/dts-cli/

screenshoot 1截图 1

screenshoot 2截图 2

before this happened I jsut install the storybook and click yes on option to migrate eslint storybook and the problem now is every time in any project whenever npm init @eslint/config there is no google/Airbnb option for the popular guide I don't know why I try to switch to from 16 node version to 17 and still same try to restart my PC and still same在发生这种情况之前,我只安装了故事书,然后单击“是”选项以迁移 eslint 故事书,现在的问题是每次在任何项目中,只要 npm init @eslint/config 没有用于我不知道的流行指南的 google/Airbnb 选项为什么我尝试从 16 节点版本切换到 17 节点版本仍然相同尝试重新启动我的 PC 并且仍然相同

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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