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通过 email 发送 Angular 表格

[英]Send Angular Form via email

I have a simple static Angular website and I have a contact form in one of the pages.我有一个简单的 static Angular 网站,其中一个页面中有一个联系表格。

I know that Angular has no way of submitting a form via email like the olden days.我知道 Angular 无法像过去那样通过 email 提交表单。 I am also aware of third party services which are able to send emails for you.我还知道能够为您发送电子邮件的第三方服务。 However, I didn't come across any free third party service to do this task.但是,我没有遇到任何免费的第三方服务来完成这项任务。 Also, is there maybe a way of using the cgi-bin to send my form to an email address?另外,有没有办法使用 cgi-bin 将我的表单发送到 email 地址?

This website is not a commercial website, and therefore the budgets are limited.本网站不是商业网站,因此预算有限。


There's service i use regularly that allows you to send email from front end only, However it only allows you to send limited emails per month我经常使用的服务允许您仅从前端发送 email,但是它只允许您每月发送有限的电子邮件

Here's how you can integrate it, Let me know if you face any problem with it:以下是如何集成它,如果您遇到任何问题,请告诉我:

Email JS Email JS

Our Hosted Forms service will work for you and we have a free plan.我们的托管 Forms 服务将为您服务,我们有一个免费计划。

Also, it doesn't just send email (which is unreliable), but keeps a copy of the form submissions so that you can read them in your account.此外,它不只是发送 email(这是不可靠的),而是保留表单提交的副本,以便您可以在您的帐户中阅读它们。

I hope that helps.我希望这会有所帮助。

cheers, Russell Robinson Author of Tectite FormMail.干杯,Russell Robinson Tectite FormMail 的作者。

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