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如何删除 PNG 的重影图像? (或鬼像的白色背景)

[英]How to remove the ghost image of a PNG? (or the white backgorund of the ghost image)

I am a Beginner Developer and am working on a personal chess project.我是一名初级开发人员,正在从事个人国际象棋项目。 I just learned how to create a drag and drop system, maybe I could learn other ways of doing It but I would like to know if there's any way to 'remove' the white background.我刚刚学会了如何创建拖放系统,也许我可以学习其他方法,但我想知道是否有任何方法可以“删除”白色背景。 I don't know really how this should work but I had some ideas:我真的不知道这应该如何工作,但我有一些想法:

  1. Somehow remove the white background of the ghost image.不知何故删除了重影图像的白色背景。

  2. Substitute the ghost image with the actual image being dragged.用拖动的实际图像替换重影图像。

  3. Or just entirely remove the ghost image while dragging since we can see the piece in each square when you are dragging over it.或者只是在拖动时完全删除重影图像,因为当您拖动它时我们可以在每个方块中看到它。

If it's possible to do any of these solutions it would be good!如果可以做任何这些解决方案,那就太好了!

Here is the link for the project I am working: https://codepen.io/ThalisonAmaral/full/qBYZmZq You will be probably dealing with the function dragstart();这是我正在工作的项目的链接: https://codepen.io/ThalisonAmaral/full/qBYZmZq您可能会处理 function dragstart(); ` `

 function dragstart() {
        squaresDrop.forEach(square => square.classList.add('highlight'))

` `

The Drag and Drop is at the end of the Js Code拖放在Js代码的末尾

Since I don't understand what I am dealing with exactly.因为我不明白我到底在处理什么。 I searched for some possible solutions but I couldn't get any result with DataTransfer.setDragImage().我搜索了一些可能的解决方案,但我无法使用 DataTransfer.setDragImage() 获得任何结果。

Which I think it should be using for replacing the ghost image with an actual image but I would need to check each piece, It doesn't seem to be the way but I could be wrong.我认为它应该用于用实际图像替换重影图像,但我需要检查每一块,这似乎不是这样,但我可能是错的。

The easiest way of doing this is by setting the opactiy of the image to 0 when you start dragging it and setting it back to 1 when dropping.最简单的方法是在开始拖动时将图像的 opactiy 设置为 0,并在放下时将其设置回 1。

I added this.style.opacity = 0;我添加了this.style.opacity = 0; on line 105 and this.style.opacity = 1;在第 105 行和this.style.opacity = 1; on line 11在第 11 行

Hopefully this is what you want!希望这是你想要的!

 /* ------- BOARD GENERATOR -------*/ const body = document.body; const $addClass = (element,className) => { element.classList.add(className); }; const $setId = (element,idName)=>{element.setAttribute('id',idName)} const $createSquare = (element,squareColor,board)=> { element = document.createElement('div'); $addClass(element,squareColor) $addClass(element,'square'); board.appendChild(element) }; const $createBoardBorder = (where) => { var board = document.createElement('div'); $addClass(board,'board'); where.appendChild(board) } var coordinates = [ 'a8','b8','c8','d8','e8','f8','g8','h8', 'a7','b7','c7','d7','e7','f7','g7','h7', 'a6','b6','c6','d6','e6','f6','g6','h6', 'a5','b5','c5','d5','e5','f5','g5','h5', 'a4','b4','c4','d4','e4','f4','g4','h4', 'a3','b3','c3','d3','e3','f3','g3','h3', 'a2','b2','c2','d2','e2','f2','g2','h2', 'a1','b1','c1','d1','e1','f1','g1','h1' ]; function createBoard(size,lightColor,darkColor,where){ /* CREATING A DIV WITH A CLASS 'board' */ $createBoardBorder(where); /* SELECTING THE BOARD */ var board = document.querySelector('.board'); /* GENERATING ALL THE SQUARES AND PUTTING THEM INTO THE BOARD */ var light = 'light'; var dark = 'dark'; for (let i = 0; i < 32; i++) { $createSquare(coordinates,light,board); $createSquare(coordinates,dark,board); if((i+1)%4 === 0 ){ var x = light; light = dark; dark = x; } } const squares = document.querySelectorAll('.square'); /*PUTTING ALL THE IDS IN EACH SQUARE */ for (let i = 0; i < squares.length; i++) { $setId(squares[i],coordinates[i]) } // ----- BOARD STYLE ----- const lightSquares = document.querySelectorAll('.light'); const darkSquares = document.querySelectorAll('.dark'); board.style.width = size+'px'; board.style.height = size+'px'; lightSquares.forEach((value,index)=>{ value.style.height = size/8+'px'; value.style.width = size/8+'px'; value.style.backgroundColor = lightColor; darkSquares[index].style.height = size/8+'px'; darkSquares[index].style.width = size/8+'px'; darkSquares[index].style.backgroundColor = darkColor; }) } const boardzone = document.getElementById('boardzone'); createBoard(500,'white','rgb(64, 100, 145)',boardzone); /*-------- PIECE RENDER --------*/ const king = document.createElement('img'); king.setAttribute('class','piece'); king.src = "https://images.chesscomfiles.com/chess-themes/pieces/neo/150/wk.png"; e1.appendChild(king) /*-------- DRAG AND DROP --------*/ var audio = new Audio('sound.wav'); var pieces = document.querySelectorAll('.piece'); console.log(pieces); var squaresDrop = document.querySelectorAll('.square'); pieceCheck = ()=> { var pieces = document.querySelectorAll('.piece'); pieces.forEach(piece=>{ piece.addEventListener('dragstart',dragstart) piece.addEventListener('drag',drag) piece.addEventListener('dragend',dragend) function dragstart() { squaresDrop.forEach(square => square.classList.add('highlight')) this.style.opacity = 0; this.classList.add('is-dragging'); } function drag(){ } function dragend(){ this.style.opacity = 1; this.classList.remove('is-dragging'); audio.play(); } })} pieceCheck(); //Checking if a new piece was added in the board squaresDrop.forEach(square=>{ square.addEventListener('dragenter',dragenter); square.addEventListener('dragover',dragover); square.addEventListener('dragleave',dragleave); square.addEventListener('drop',drop); function dragenter(){ } function dragover(){ this.classList.add('over') //Get dragging piece const draggedPiece = document.querySelector('.is-dragging'); this.appendChild(draggedPiece); } function dragleave(){ log('Leaving') this.classList.remove('over') } function drop(){ } })
 body { background-color:rgb(15,15,15); }.board { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(8, 1fr); } #boardzone{ margin: 60px auto; display: flex; justify-content:center; } /* Drag and Drop CSS */.piece { height: 100%; user-select: none; }.highlight { background-color:rgba(14,14,14,0.2); }.is-dragging { cursor:move; opacity: 0.3; transform: translate(0, 0); }.over{ background-color: rgba(173, 240, 118, 0.315); }
 <div id='boardzone'></div>

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