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带有 javascript 的动态引导卡

[英]Dynamic bootstrap cards with javascript

I have here a json file and this content should get rendered inside of bootstrap cards.我这里有一个 json 文件,该内容应该在引导卡内呈现。

    "scripts": {
        "web3py": [
                "thumbnail": "images/thumbnails/sendetherweb3py.png",
                "scriptName": "send Native",
                "description": "send native with web3py",
                "link": "https://jsonformatter.org/img/tom-cruise.jpg"
                "thumbnail": "images/thumbnails/sendtokenweb3py.png",
                "scriptName": "send token",
                "description": "send erc20 token with web3py",
                "link": "https://jsonformatter.org/img/tom-cruise.jpg"
                "thumbnail": "images/thumbnails/swapnativeweb3py.png",
                "scriptName": "swap native token dex",
                "description": "swap eth for erc20 token",
                "link": "https://jsonformatter.org/img/tom-cruise.jpg"
                "thumbnail": "images/thumbnails/swaptokenweb3py.png",
                "scriptName": "swap erc20 token on dex",
                "description": "swap erc20 token with erc20 token",
                "link": "https://jsonformatter.org/img/tom-cruise.jpg"
        "web3js": [
                "thumbnail": "images/thumbnails/swaptokenethers.png",
                "scriptName": "swap token on dex",
                "description": "swap erc20 token with token on a dex",
                "link": "https://jsonformatter.org/img/tom-cruise.jpg"
                "thumbnail": "images/thumbnails/swapnativeethers.png",
                "scriptName": "swap native",
                "description": "swap native for token on dex",
                "link": "https://jsonformatter.org/img/tom-cruise.jpg"
                "thumbnail": "images/thumbnails/sendtokenethers.png",
                "scriptName": "send ERC20 token",
                "description": "send erc20 token with ethers",
                "link": "https://jsonformatter.org/img/tom-cruise.jpg"
                "thumbnail": "images/thumbnails/sendnativeethers.png",
                "scriptName": "send native",
                "description": "send Native ETH with ethers",
                "link": "https://jsonformatter.org/img/tom-cruise.jpg"

Inside scripts I have 2 categories, web3py and web3js with 4 items in it.在脚本中,我有 2 个类别,web3py 和 web3js,其中包含 4 个项目。 Now i want to render web3py inside a row that than contains 4 cards and another row web3js that contains also 4 cards.现在我想在包含 4 张卡片的一行中渲染 web3py,另一行包含 4 张卡片的 web3js。

How can I render bootstrap cards in Javscript based on the content from my json file?如何根据我的 json 文件中的内容在 Javscript 中呈现引导卡?

I want to do this dynamically so in case i add more items to web3py or web3js, i want the cards to be created dynamically.我想动态地执行此操作,因此如果我向 web3py 或 web3js 添加更多项目,我希望动态创建卡片。

So what would be the best way to create those 4 cards inside a row using javascript?那么使用 javascript 在一行内创建这 4 张卡的最佳方法是什么?

Card looks like this卡片长这样

<div class="card" style="width: 18rem;">
  <img src=${thumbnail} class="card-img-top" alt="...">
  <div class="card-body">
    <h5 class="card-title">${scriptName}</h5>
    <p class="card-text">${description}</p>
    <a href=${link} class="btn btn-primary">Go somewhere</a>

This here is my Javascript file这是我的 Javascript 文件

async function getScript(){
    const scripts = await fetch('./scripts.json')
    const response = await scripts.json()
    const scripta = response[0]['scripts']['web3py']
    const image = response[0]['scripts']['web3py'][0]['thumbnail']
    const title = response[0]['scripts']['web3py'][0]['scriptName']
    const description = response[0]['scripts']['web3py'][0]['description']

    let content = '';

scripta.forEach(p => {
  content += `
    <div id="keyBoard" class="col-md-4 mt-2">
              <div class="card" style="width: 18rem;">
                  <img src="${image}" class="card-img-top img-fluid" alt="keyboard">
                  <div class="card-body">
                      <h5 class="card-title" id="itemName">${title}</h5>
                      <p class="card-text" id="itemDesc">${description}</p>
                      <p class="card-text"></p>
                      <a href="#" class="btn btn-primary" id="addCart">Add to cart</a>

document.querySelector("#shop").innerHTML = content;


the problem is that this function prints out the 1st item 4 times in 1 row instead of the 1 item each in 1 row问题是这个 function 在 1 行中打印出第一项 4 次,而不是在 1 行中的每一项

You can loop over the JSON data using a nested loop and then use an empty variable to build the HTML string.您可以使用嵌套循环遍历 JSON 数据,然后使用空变量构建 HTML 字符串。 Then insert that HTML using insertAdjacentHTML .然后使用insertAdjacentHTML 插入 HTML Additional comments within the code breaking down what each line is doing.代码中的附加注释分解了每一行的作用。

 const main = document.getElementById('main') // an empty variable to hold the card as it is built within a for loop const jsonObj = [{ "scripts": { "web3py": [{ "thumbnail": "images/thumbnails/sendetherweb3py.png", "scriptName": "send Native", "description": "send native with web3py", "link": "https://jsonformatter.org/img/tom-cruise.jpg" }, { "thumbnail": "images/thumbnails/sendtokenweb3py.png", "scriptName": "send token", "description": "send erc20 token with web3py", "link": "https://jsonformatter.org/img/tom-cruise.jpg" }, { "thumbnail": "images/thumbnails/swapnativeweb3py.png", "scriptName": "swap native token dex", "description": "swap eth for erc20 token", "link": "https://jsonformatter.org/img/tom-cruise.jpg" }, { "thumbnail": "images/thumbnails/swaptokenweb3py.png", "scriptName": "swap erc20 token on dex", "description": "swap erc20 token with erc20 token", "link": "https://jsonformatter.org/img/tom-cruise.jpg" } ], "web3js": [{ "thumbnail": "images/thumbnails/swaptokenethers.png", "scriptName": "swap token on dex", "description": "swap erc20 token with token on a dex", "link": "https://jsonformatter.org/img/tom-cruise.jpg" }, { "thumbnail": "images/thumbnails/swapnativeethers.png", "scriptName": "swap native", "description": "swap native for token on dex", "link": "https://jsonformatter.org/img/tom-cruise.jpg" }, { "thumbnail": "images/thumbnails/sendtokenethers.png", "scriptName": "send ERC20 token", "description": "send erc20 token with ethers", "link": "https://jsonformatter.org/img/tom-cruise.jpg" }, { "thumbnail": "images/thumbnails/sendnativeethers.png", "scriptName": "send native", "description": "send Native ETH with ethers", "link": "https://jsonformatter.org/img/tom-cruise.jpg" } ] } }] // define the object const scripts = jsonObj[0]['scripts'] // define an output variable to hold HTML let output = '' // loop over the two nested arrays for (let objs in scripts) { // set first row output += '<div class="d-flex">' // get data from first array of objects scripts[objs].forEach(item => { output += ` <div class="card ${objs}" style="width: 18rem;"> <img src=${item["thumbnail"]} class="card-img-top col-sm flex-row" alt="..."> <div class="card-body col-sm"> <h5 class="card-title">${item["scriptName"]}</h5> <p class="card-text">${item["description"]}</p> <a href=${item["link"]} class="btn btn-primary">Go somewhere</a> </div> </div>` }) // close the row output += '</div>' } // insert the HTML using.insertAdjacentHTML main.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', output)
 <link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@5.2.1/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-iYQeCzEYFbKjA/T2uDLTpkwGzCiq6soy8tYaI1GyVh/UjpbCx/TYkiZhlZB6+fzT" crossorigin="anonymous"> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@5.2.1/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js" integrity="sha384-u1OknCvxWvY5kfmNBILK2hRnQC3Pr17a+RTT6rIHI7NnikvbZlHgTPOOmMi466C8" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <div id="main"></div>

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