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如何使用 cursor position 存储当前缓冲区文件名以使用 neovim Lua ZDB974238714CA8DE634AACE 注册?

[英]How to store the current buffer filename with cursor position to register using neovim Lua API?

In vim I can use getcurpos() and expand('%:t') , but how does this work in lua?在 vim 中,我可以使用getcurpos()expand('%:t') ,但这在 lua 中如何工作? The solution should ideally only use the neovim api.理想情况下,该解决方案应仅使用 neovim api。

Without the neovim api:没有neovim api:

function Fcolumn_noplenary()
  local fname = vim.fn.expand('%:t')
  local line_col_pair = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0) -- row is 1, column is 0 indexed
  local fnamecol = fname .. ':' .. tostring(line_col_pair[1]) .. ':' .. tostring(line_col_pair[2])
  vim.fn.setreg('+', fnamecol) -- register + has filename:row:column

And with plenary :并与全体会议

function Fcolumn_plenary()
  local Path = require "plenary.path"
  local path = Path.path
  local fileAbs = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0)
  local p = Path:new fileAbs
  local fname = p.filename 
  local line_col_pair = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0) -- row is 1, column is 0 indexed
  local fnamecol = fname .. ':' .. tostring(line_col_pair[1]) .. ':' .. tostring(line_col_pair[2])
  vim.fn.setreg('+', fnamecol) -- register + has filename:row:column

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