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如何在 logstash kafka 输入中获取自定义键值?

[英]How to get custom key value in the logstash kafka input?

In my producer, I've added a few custom keys in the headers.在我的制作人中,我在标题中添加了一些自定义键。 Using logstash i need to get the payload in addition I need to read the value of my keys.使用 logstash 我需要获取有效负载,此外我需要读取我的密钥的值。

Producer code:生产者代码:

                  .setHeader(KafkaHeaders.TOPIC, myTopic)
                  .setHeader("my-key1", "test-key1") // custom keys
                  .setHeader("my-key2", "test-key2") // custom keys

Logstash conf Logstash 配置

         //kafka connection details

        decorate_events => true


   mutate => { add_field => { "kafka-topic" => "%{[@metadata][kafka][topic]}" }  // this is working
   mutate => { add_field => { "custom-key" => "%{[my-key1]}" } // this is not working 


  // store the payload on ES index, _id = my-key1

I'm not able to read my custom key.我无法读取我的自定义密钥。 Did I miss anything in the config?我错过了配置中的任何内容吗?

In recent Logstash releases, you can set decorate_events => "extended" (true means basic) and then get headers using:在最近的 Logstash 版本中,您可以设置decorate_events => "extended" (true 表示基本),然后使用以下方法获取标头:


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