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SharePoint 为具有多种数据类型的表列出 PowerApps 架构

[英]SharePoint List schema for PowerApps for a table with multiple data types

I am a newbie to power apps.我是电源应用程序的新手。 I have a data with different numeric data types in a column as given in the image.如图所示,我在一列中有一个具有不同数字数据类型的数据。


I want create a power apps with the data on the table as database.我想创建一个将表上的数据作为数据库的电源应用程序。 I will be using SharePoint list as a database.我将使用 SharePoint 列表作为数据库。 Could you please help me on how I can add this to SharePoint as one column has different numeric data types and as far as I know we can only add one numeric data type to a column in SP list.您能否帮助我了解如何将其添加到 SharePoint 因为一列具有不同的数字数据类型,据我所知,我们只能将一种数字数据类型添加到 SP 列表中的一列。

what you are looking for are not directly concercing PowerApps rather sharepoint column (data types).您正在寻找的不是直接关注 PowerApps,而是 sharepoint 列(数据类型)。 I belive you have already looked into google.我相信你已经看过谷歌了。

Take a look at this article this explains all the column type and also which to be used when.看看这篇文章,它解释了所有的列类型以及何时使用。

You can easily connect to sharepoint in PowerApps as out of box connector.您可以轻松连接到 PowerApps 中的 sharepoint 作为开箱即用的连接器。

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