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有没有办法将 SAML IDP 与 Sonatype nexus 存储库管理器一起使用?

[英]Is there a way use SAML IDP with Sonatype nexus repository manager?

We want to migrate our old nexus to new one.我们想将旧的联系迁移到新的联系。 bur in the new one I wanna use SAML Idp for authentication but not found anything about it.在新版本中,我想使用 SAML Idp 进行身份验证,但没有找到任何相关信息。 Is there a way to configure SAML Idp in nexus?有没有办法在 nexus 中配置 SAML Idp? And our nexus is not Pro version of course.我们的联系当然不是专业版。

Try used patch for Nexus OSS with authorization via SSO and tokens .通过 SSO 和 tokens 授权尝试使用 Nexus OSS 补丁 It implements authentication via Single Sign-On (SSO) using a SAML identity provider such as Keycloak, Okta, ADFS and others.它使用 SAML 身份提供程序(例如 Keycloak、Okta、ADFS 等)通过单点登录 (SSO) 实现身份验证。

Solution distributed as docker container and compose.yml configuration which may be extended with "compose.override.yml" (for example, pass additional files to the container):作为docker 容器分发的解决方案和可以使用“compose.override.yml”扩展的compose.yml配置(例如,将其他文件传递给容器):

git clone https://github.com/a-langer/nexus-sso.git
cd ./nexus-sso
mv ./_compose.override.yml ./compose.override.yml
# Change compose.override.yml for you settings and run service
docker compose up -d 

Authentication may be configured with environment variables in .env file, for more flexible settings, can make changes directly to shiro.ini .认证可以在.env文件中配置环境变量,为了更灵活的设置,可以直接对shiro.ini进行更改。 However, this also requires that the configuration files of service provider (ex., sp-metadata.xml ) and identity provider (ex., metadata-okta.xml or metadata-keycloak.xml ) will be passed to the container.但是,这也需要将服务提供者(例如, sp-metadata.xml )和身份提供者(例如, metadata-okta.xmlmetadata-keycloak.xml )的配置文件传递给容器。 Examples of creating SAML configurations see in " Keycloak SAML integration with Nexus application ".创建 SAML 配置的示例请参阅“ Keycloak SAML 与 Nexus 应用程序的集成”。

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