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Typescript 枚举相等检查时编译错误

[英]Typescript compile error on enum equality check

I created this typescript file to show the problem:我创建了这个 typescript 文件来显示问题:

enum E {


let n: E = E.one
if (n === E.one) console.log("equal");
if (n === E.two) console.log("equal");

I get compile error from tsc on second if:如果出现以下情况,我会在第二次从 tsc 收到编译错误:

test.ts:11:5 - error TS2367: This condition will always return 'false' since the types 'E.one' and 'E.two' have no overlap.

I can't find out why it is happening.我不知道为什么会这样。 Am I doing something wrong?难道我做错了什么?

This is intended behaviour (see this issue ).这是预期的行为(请参阅此问题)。

TypeScript's control flow analysis is smart enough to see that you just assigned E.one to n . TypeScript 的控制流分析足够聪明,可以看到您刚刚将E.one分配给了n There is now "invisible" type information associated with n which narrows down its type to E.one and will lead to the error in the if-statement because it knows that the condition will always evaluate to false .现在有与n关联的“不可见”类型信息,它将其类型缩小E.one并将导致 if 语句中的错误,因为它知道条件将始终评估为false

If you want to avoid this behaviour, you can use the as operator which lets TypeScript conveniently forget the narrowed type information about n .如果你想避免这种行为,你可以使用as运算符,它可以让 TypeScript 方便地忘记关于n的缩小类型信息。

let n: E = E.one as E

if (n === E.one) console.log("equal");
if (n === E.two) console.log("equal");

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