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如何在 Linux 终端中列出添加到解决方案中的所有项目?

[英]How to list all projects added to a solution in Linux terminal?

In Ubuntu terminal I can add a project to a solution with the following:在 Ubuntu 终端中,我可以使用以下内容将项目添加到解决方案中:

dotnet sln add ./projectName/projectName.csproj

What command can I run in the terminal, to see all the projects that have been added?我可以在终端中运行什么命令来查看所有已添加的项目?

Use dotnet sln list .使用dotnet sln list If multiple solutions are present in folder - add solution name:如果文件夹中存在多个解决方案 - 添加解决方案名称:

dotnet sln SolutionName.sln list

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