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更改 Laravel Nova 文本字段上的占位符

[英]Change placeholder on Laravel Nova text field

I want to change the placeholder of a Laravel Nova Text field.我想更改 Laravel Nova Text 字段的占位符。 Currently this is being overwritten by the $attribute in the model:目前这被 model 中的 $attribute 覆盖:

protected $attributes = [
   'name' => 'Member Name',


The code below works, but isnt placeholder text, it actually fills the field.下面的代码有效,但不是占位符文本,它实际上填充了该字段。

     ->rules('required', 'string')
     ->resolveUsing(function () {
          return 'Name';

Is there a way I can change the placeholder text/override the $attribute value?有没有办法可以更改占位符文本/覆盖 $attribute 值?

Secondly, any ideas why the lastpass icon appears on this field?其次,任何想法为什么 lastpass 图标出现在这个字段上? Thanks谢谢

To set a default value on a Nova field you can use:要在 Nova 字段上设置默认值,您可以使用:

        ->rules('required', 'string')
            'value' => 'Real Value -- Not placeholder'

To set a placeholder if the field accepts it (Text Fields do):如果字段接受,则设置占位符(文本字段):

        ->rules('required', 'string')
        ->placeholder('Some placeholder text')

The placeholder method passes it to the vue field as meta.占位符方法将其作为元传递给 vue 字段。 In v3 this is its implementation:在 v3 中,这是它的实现:

     * Set the placeholder text for the field if supported.
     * @param  string  $text
     * @return $this
    public function placeholder($text)
        $this->placeholder = $text;
        $this->withMeta(['extraAttributes' => ['placeholder' => $text]]);

        return $this;

By setting the default $attribute value on the model, it is passing that value on to Nova.通过在 model 上设置默认的 $attribute 值,它将该值传递给 Nova。 If you want to keep that default on the model, but put a placeholder in the CMS (I don't see why you would), you could do something like:如果您想在 model 上保留该默认值,但在 CMS 中放置一个占位符(我不明白您为什么要这样做),您可以执行以下操作:

        ->rules('required', 'string')
        ->placeholder('Some placeholder text')
            'value' => $this->name === 'Member Name' ? null : $this->name

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