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在 odoo15 中调用端点时得到 301 和 404 错误响应

[英]got 301 and then 404 error response while calling end point in odoo15

here is my code:这是我的代码:

    from odoo import http
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class CrmController(http.Controller):

    @http.route('/crm/lead', type='json', auth='none', website=True, methods=['POST'])
    def post_data_end_point(self):
        print("==== api called successfully ====")
        return "api called successfully---"

after call this end point on postman i got this error在 postman 上调用此端点后,我收到此错误

2022-09-14 09:44:09,925 167674 INFO odoo15 werkzeug: - - [14/Sep/2022 09:44:09] "POST /crm/lead/ HTTP/1.1" 301 - 35 0.020 0.817
2022-09-14 09:44:10,421 167674 INFO odoo15 werkzeug: - - [14/Sep/2022 09:44:10] "GET /crm/lead HTTP/1.1" 404 - 214 0.116 0.357

you have define type='json' it means it response only json(dictionary) object not string.你定义了type='json'这意味着它只响应 json(dictionary) object 而不是字符串。

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