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WindowsAppSDK 拒绝读取 PublisherCache 文件夹的权限

[英]WindowsAppSDK denies permission to read PublisherCache folder

As I am upgrading my uwp app to WindowsAppSDK and WinUI3 desktop app, I got this exception of Permission denied on PublisherCacheFolder .当我将uwp应用程序升级到WindowsAppSDKWinUI3桌面应用程序时,我在PublisherCacheFolder上遇到了Permission denied的异常。 And it was working fine in uwp.它在 uwp 中运行良好。 I intend to package the app with msix so I will still technically upload it to store.我打算用msix package 应用程序,所以我仍然会在技术上将它上传到存储。

Just to clarify I do have folder names in package file in Extensions thats how it was working fine in uwp只是为了澄清一下,我在扩展中的 package 文件中确实有文件夹名称,这就是它在 uwp 中的工作方式


Fixed it by reinstalling the app, dont know why but it had to do something with existing uwp version of the app being overriden with this windowsAppSDK version of the app under same publisher通过重新安装应用程序修复它,不知道为什么,但它必须对现有 uwp 版本的应用程序做一些事情,该应用程序的此 windowsAppSDK 版本在同一发布者下被覆盖

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