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链接到外部域的 ExpressionEngine 顶部菜单项

[英]ExpressionEngine top menu item linking to an external domain

I'm an ExpressionEngine noobie, and I'm editing an existing website.我是 ExpressionEngine 新手,我正在编辑现有网站。

What I'm trying to do is to add my "store" item to the main top menu that would link to a third-level domain "store.mydomain.com".我想要做的是将我的“商店”项目添加到将链接到第三级域“store.mydomain.com”的主顶部菜单。 But all I'm allowed to do is link the menu item to some page on my second-level domain.但我可以做的就是将菜单项链接到我的二级域上的某个页面。 Where should I be looking?我应该在哪里寻找? Does this require a custom code?这需要自定义代码吗? Thanks.谢谢。

In EECMS things can be set up in multiple ways.在 EECMS 中,可以通过多种方式进行设置。 A menu might be hard coded, built with an addon like Structure or Navee, or something completely custom.菜单可能是硬编码的,可以使用 Structure 或 Navee 等插件构建,或者完全自定义。 My gut says you have some addon that is used for generating the menu.我的直觉说你有一些用于生成菜单的插件。 So it might be a configuration issue.所以可能是配置问题。 Some questions:一些问题:

  • what version of EE are you running?你运行的是什么版本的EE?
  • what addons do you have installed?你安装了哪些插件?
  • can you paste the code from the template that generates the menu?您可以从生成菜单的模板中粘贴代码吗?

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