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将多个文件夹挂载到 EFS 时仅显示一个文件系统

[英]Showing only one FileSystem when mounting multiple folders to EFS

I read the post, Using same AWS EFS to share multiple directories .我阅读了这篇文章, 使用相同的 AWS EFS 共享多个目录 But when I view the disk usage from the command line, I only see the most recent volume that I mounted.但是当我从命令行查看磁盘使用情况时,我只看到我安装的最新卷。

I first install the EFS helper and then try to mount two directories:我首先安装 EFS 帮助程序,然后尝试挂载两个目录:

sudo yum install -y amazon-efs-utils
sudo mount -t efs fs-0f12ef3456a78b90c /home/ec2-user
sudo mount -t efs fs-0f12ef3456a78b90c /var/www/html

When I do df -h from the command line I get:当我从命令行执行df -h时,我得到:

fs-0f12ef3456a78b90c.efs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/  8.0E  580M  8.0E   1% /var/www/html

Whether I use the documentation found here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/efs/latest/ug/accessing-fs-nfs-permissions-per-user-subdirs.html or the commands that I gave above I get the same thing, only one line showing that a file system is mounted.我是否使用此处找到的文档: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/efs/latest/ug/accessing-fs-nfs-permissions-per-user-subdirs.html或我在上面给出的命令同样的事情,只有一行显示文件系统已安装。

Are all of the sub directories being mounted or just the most recent that I added?是所有子目录都被挂载,还是只是我添加的最新目录?

Like most things, this is resolved by actually reading the documentation on the mount command.像大多数事情一样,这可以通过实际阅读 mount 命令的文档来解决。 A listing of all the mounted volumes is displayed with:所有已安装卷的列表显示为:


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