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[英]Call parent component method from child in slot

Is it possible to call the parent method from a child in a slot?是否可以从插槽中的孩子调用父方法? For example:例如:


methodFromParentComponent() {

And then something like this:然后是这样的:

    <child-component (click)="methodFromParentComponent"></child-component>

Ofcourse that won't work.当然那是行不通的。 I tried experimenting with ngTemplateOutlet :我尝试使用ngTemplateOutlet进行试验:

<parent-component [slotTemplateRef]="slotTemplateRef">
    <ng-template #slotTemplateRef let-methodFromParent>
        <button  (click)="methodFromParent">Navigate</button>

The problem is, it fires twice, because the event bubbles up, makes sense.问题是,它会触发两次,因为事件会冒泡,这是有道理的。 Any directions on what I should use?关于我应该使用什么的任何指示?

Your first code sample could work if you add a template reference variable:如果您添加模板引用变量,您的第一个代码示例可能会起作用:

<parent-component #parent>
    <child-component (click)="parent.methodFromParentComponent()"></child-component>

Turns out it works with ngTemplateOutlet .原来它适用于ngTemplateOutlet Had to story my methods in an object.不得不在 object 中讲述我的方法。

<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="layoutTemplate; context: { context: templateContext }">
    <ng-template let-context="context">
        <child-component (click)="context.methodFromParentComponent()">

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