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Python 对象列表查询

[英]Python list of objects query

I have a python class here:我在这里有一个 python class :

class device:
def __init__(self, hostname, ipaddress, status, version, sensor_id, first_seen) -> None:
    self.hostname = hostname
    self.ipaddress = ipaddress
    self.status = status
    self.version = version
    self.sensor_id = sensor_id
    self.first_seen = first_seen

Lets say I have 3 instances of this which are all identical except the sensor_id and first_seen, these objects are stored in a list假设我有 3 个实例,除了 sensor_id 和 first_seen 之外,它们都是相同的,这些对象存储在一个列表中

sensor_list = []
dev1 = device("PC1", "", "offline", "21.1", "ID_0001", "09/08/2022")
dev2 = device("PC1", "", "offline", "21.1", "ID_0002", "09/09/2022")
dev3 = device("PC1", "", "offline", "21.1", "ID_0003", "14/08/2022")

How could I search the list of objects, and retrieve the sensor_id with the latest first_seen timestamp?如何搜索对象列表,并使用最新的 first_seen 时间戳检索 sensor_id? Is it possible to do this using some kind of list comprehension or is it a little more complicated than that?是否可以使用某种列表理解来做到这一点,还是比这更复杂一些?

latest = [x for x in sensor_list ???]

Use max()使用max()

latest = max(sensorlist, key = lambda s: datetime.strptime(s.first_seen, '%d/%m/%Y'))

It would be simpler if you converted first_seen to a datetime when you create the object rather than having to do it whenever you access the object.如果在创建 object 时将first_seen转换为datetime时间,而不是每次访问 object 时都必须这样做,这会更简单。

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