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如何运行 gittutorial?

[英]How to run gittutorial?

From the git man page:从 git 手册页:

"See gittutorial (7) to get started, then see giteveryday (7) for a useful minimum set of commands. The Git User's Manual [1] has a more in-depth introduction." “请参阅gittutorial (7) 开始,然后参阅giteveryday (7) 了解有用的最小命令集。Git 用户手册[1] 有更深入的介绍。”

I am however, unable to find a command called gittutorial.但是,我找不到名为 gittutorial 的命令。 How do I access it?我如何访问它?

git help tutorial or man 7 gittutorial . git help tutorialman 7 gittutorial The (7) in parentheses is a manpage section, section 7 is for introductory/expository conceptual discussion, man 7 intro gets you the section 7 intro page.括号中的(7)是手册页部分,第 7 部分用于介绍性/说明性概念讨论, man 7 intro为您提供第 7 部分介绍页面。 Git help displays the docs in whatever form they're installed, by default that's manpages but you can say eg git help --web tutorial to see whether you've got the html docs installed too. Git help 以安装的任何形式显示文档,默认情况下是联机帮助页,但您可以说例如git help --web tutorial以查看您是否也安装了 ZFC35FDC70D5FC69D269883A822C7A 文档

It refers to https://www.git-scm.com/docs/gittutorial .它指的是https://www.git-scm.com/docs/gittutorial You could run git help gittutorial to browse the local manual.你可以运行git help gittutorial来浏览本地手册。 On Windows, the local manual pages are in mingw64/share/doc/git-doc/ under Git's installation path, which you could also manually open and read.在Windows上,本地手册页在Git安装路径下的mingw64/share/doc/git-doc/ ,也可以手动打开阅读。

For giteveryday , you could run git help giteveryday .对于giteveryday ,您可以运行git help giteveryday

But for Git User's Manual , it's https://www.git-scm.com/docs/user-manual .但是对于Git User's Manual ,它是https://www.git-scm.com/docs/user-manual git help user-manual raises an error saying the system cannot find the page gituser-manual.html , which should actually be user-manual.html . git help user-manual出现错误提示系统找不到页面gituser-manual.html ,实际上应该是user-manual.html It seems git help automatically inserts git at the beginning.似乎git help在开头自动插入git So git help everyday and git help tutorial also work, but git help user-manual fails.所以git help everydaygit help tutorial也可以,但是git help user-manual失败。

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