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如果在 TestNG 中花费的时间超过一定时间,如何跳过测试?

[英]How to skip test if its taking time more than certain amount of time in TestNG?

I am having API test suite where few tests taking a great amount time causing test suite to run more than 5-6+ hrs.我有 API 测试套件,其中很少有测试花费大量时间导致测试套件运行超过 5-6 小时。 Is there any way to skip certain tests which exceeds run time for that particular test in TestNG.有没有办法跳过某些超出 TestNG 中特定测试运行时间的测试。

First you implement IInvokeMethodListener where you do:首先你在你做的地方实现IInvokeMethodListener

public void afterInvocation(IInvokedMethod method, ITestResult testResult){
  if(testResult.getThrowable() instanceof ThreadTimeoutException){

Say you implemented it in MyImpl class.假设您在MyImpl class 中实现了它。 Then you could have:然后你可以有:

public class MyTest {

  @Test(timeOut = 1)
  public void test(){
    // Do long task that takes more than 1 ms
    // The test will be skipped


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