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如何在 c# 中一轮后生成一个新的随机数?

[英]How can i generate a new random number after one round in c#?

I have a problem with my programm.我的程序有问题。 I want to write a random number guessing game.我想写一个随机数猜谜游戏。 I have actually everything but when i ask the user if he/she wants to do it again and he/she says yes, the same number from the 1. round is also in the second round.我实际上拥有一切,但是当我问用户他/她是否想再做一次并且他/她说是时,第一轮中的相同数字也在第二轮中。 Like:喜欢:

  • Write your number down: 90.写下你的号码:90。
  • Great u guessed the number!太好了,你猜到了这个数字!
  • Do u want to play again [y|n] y.你想再玩一次吗[y|n] y。
  • write another Number: 90.写另一个数字:90。
  • Great u guessed the number!太好了,你猜到了这个数字!

enter image description here在此处输入图像描述

You have to actually call rnd.Next() everytime you want a different random number:每次你想要一个不同的随机数时,你都必须实际调用 rnd.Next() :

Random rnd = new Random();
Int32 RandomNumber;
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    RandomNumber = rnd.Next(1, 100);

I've prepared a little fotnetfiddle for your convenience.为了您的方便,我准备了一个小调子

You should generate new random number for each game round :您应该为每一轮游戏生成新的随机数:

public static void Main() {
  // wrong place: random value is the same for all rounds
  //int zufallligezahl = new Random().Next(1, 100);
  try {
      do {
           // right place: each game has its own random value
           // In case of .Net 6 put it as
           // ... = Random.Shared.Next(1, 100);
           int zufallligezahl = new Random().Next(1, 100);

           do {
               Console.Write("Erraten Sie die Zahl indem..."); 

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