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iOS App中通过短信绑定设备安全攻击

[英]Device Binding Security Attack through SMS in iOS App

We have created an app for banks.我们为银行创建了一个应用程序。 In that apps we are doing device binding with phone number and device details through text SMS.在该应用程序中,我们通过短信与电话号码和设备详细信息进行设备绑定。

Now attackers somehow used SMS forwarding technique to bind his own device with victim phone number.现在,攻击者以某种方式使用短信转发技术将自己的设备与受害者的电话号码绑定。

We are not sure about the attacker's modus operandi to use victim phone number to bind his own devices.我们不确定攻击者使用受害者电话号码绑定自己设备的作案手法。

We believe that attacker might be using iMessage to sync the SMS from the App after sent the SMS and forwarding the same SMS to victim.我们认为攻击者在发送短信并将相同的短信转发给受害者后,可能会使用 iMessage 从 App 同步短信。

Note: In our App, we used MFMessageComposeViewController class to send message for device binding to the bank.注意:在我们的应用程序中,我们使用 MFMessageComposeViewController class 向银行发送设备绑定消息。

We are looking for the solution.我们正在寻找解决方案。 So attacker cannot used/copy the text message from SMS created within the app for device binding and forward to victim.因此,攻击者无法使用/复制应用程序中创建的短信中的文本消息以进行设备绑定并转发给受害者。

As has been pointed out in the comments, you simply can't use SMS, either for registrations or providing OTPs for transactions/logons as there are too many attack vectors.正如评论中所指出的,您根本无法使用 SMS 进行注册或为交易/登录提供 OTP,因为攻击向量太多。 The following would be more secure for registration:以下将是更安全的注册:

• Use a time-limited qr code or one-time code displayed to the user somewhere in their internet banking profile or if they do not have internet banking, in the branch. • 在用户的网上银行资料中使用限时二维码或一次性代码,如果他们没有网上银行,则在分行使用。 This approach is recommended.推荐这种方法。
• Complete registration in-app through a combination of security questions and a pin emailed to them. • 通过安全问题和通过电子邮件发送给他们的密码来完成应用内注册。 If no email, once again in-branch only.如果没有 email,则再次仅在分支中。

Once registration is complete, you should use push notifications rather than SMS for OTPs etc. It is also recommended not to include an OTP in the push notification itself but simply have the push notification prompt the app to request an OTP over https.注册完成后,您应该对 OTP 等使用推送通知而不是 SMS。还建议不要在推送通知本身中包含 OTP,而只是让推送通知提示应用程序通过 https 请求 OTP。

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