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如何在 laravel 调度程序中限制作业

[英]How to throttle a job in laravel scheduler

I have a job set up in laravel scheduler which currently takes about 20minutes to finish running from start to finish.我在 laravel 调度程序中设置了一个作业,目前从开始到结束运行大约需要 20 分钟。

However, I have recently been facing an error where the job get's 'killed' prematurely and i get an email notifying me that I have exceeded the rate limit of 90 API request per minute.但是,我最近遇到了一个错误,即作业过早地“终止” ,并且我收到 email 通知我,我已超过每分钟 90 个 API 请求的速率限制。

Is there any way that I can implement some sort of throttle on the laravel scheduler job?有什么方法可以在 laravel 调度程序作业上实现某种节流?

Laravel Project Information Laravel项目信息

  • -Laravel Version 5.5 -Laravel 5.5 版

  • -PHP 7.4 -PHP 7.4

  • -Hosted on Nginx -托管在 Nginx

Yes laravel calls it "rate limiting" https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/queues#rate-limiting是的 laravel 称之为“速率限制” https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/queues#rate-limiting

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