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Get-Package - PS CORE 不再提供已安装的软件

[英]Get-Package - PS CORE no longer provides installed software

I'm moving a yaml pipeline so it uses PS Core.我正在移动 yaml 管道,因此它使用 PS Core。 One of the steps is to parse currently installed software and uninstall it if it exists:其中一个步骤是解析当前安装的软件并在存在时将其卸载:

    $appsToUninstall = Get-Package -Provider Programs -IncludeWindowsInstaller -name "*$Instance*"
    if ($appsToUninstall.count -gt 0)
        Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.Name -match "$Instance" } | Stop-Service
        $appsToUninstall | Uninstall-Package -Force -Verbose
        Write-Output "Uninstalled $Instance"
        Write-Warning "Nothing to uninstall! Could not locate $Instance as an installed instance. Continuing as usual."

However, it would seem that the new Get-Package - no longer provides installed software.但是,似乎新的 Get-Package - 不再提供已安装的软件。

不工作1 不工作2 作品

Is there any way to use native cmdlets (not CMI/WMI [wmi is deprecated?]) to achieve that in the new PS 7+?有没有办法在新的 PS 7+ 中使用本机 cmdlet(不是 CMI/WMI [wmi 已弃用?])来实现这一点?

You can parse the registry to achieve this:您可以解析注册表以实现此目的:

$Instance = "MyAppToUninstall"

# Initialize array to avoid errors on 32 bits applications addition
[array]$appsToUninstall = @()

# Get 64 bits programs
$appsToUninstall = Get-ItemProperty `
                   HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | 
                   Select DisplayName, UninstallString | 
                   Where { $_.DisplayName -like "*$Instance*" }

# Add 32 bits programs
$appsToUninstall += Get-ItemProperty `
                    HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | 
                    Select DisplayName, UninstallString | 
                    Where { $_.DisplayName -like "*$Instance*" }

if ($appsToUninstall.count -gt 0)
    Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.Name -match "$Instance" } | Stop-Service
    $appsToUninstall | ForEach-Object {
        $app = $_.UninstallString.Substring(0, $_.UninstallString.IndexOf(".exe") + 4)
        $arguments = $_.UninstallString.Substring($_.Uninstallstring.IndexOf(".exe") + 5)
        if ($app -match "(?i)msiexec")
            # if MSI package, replace /i parameter by /x to uninstall and
            # add /passive parameter to automate the uninstallation
            $arguments = "$($arguments.Replace("/I", "/x", [system.StringComparison]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) /passive"
        Start-Process -FilePath $app -ArgumentList $arguments
    Write-Output "Uninstalled $Instance"
    Write-Warning "Nothing to uninstall! Could not locate $Instance as an installed instance. Continuing as usual."

I hope this helps:)我希望这有帮助:)

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