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std::fstream 是 class 但使用命名空间语法引用 std::fstream::trunc ?

[英]std::fstream is a class but references std::fstream::trunc using namespace syntax?

I was getting some help on creating files with fstream, but came across this method where you pass std::fstream::trunc to the constructor.我在使用 fstream 创建文件时获得了一些帮助,但遇到了将 std::fstream::trunc 传递给构造函数的方法。

I was curious as to how fstream is a class, but referencing the trunc member is like fstream is a namespace (fstream::trunc, like NAMESPACE::MEMBER).我很好奇 fstream 如何是 class,但引用 trunc 成员就像 fstream 是一个命名空间(fstream::trunc,如 NAMESPACE::MEMBER)。

How is this done?这是怎么做到的?

trunc is a static member of the class std::ios_base . trunc是 class std::ios_base的 static 成员。 To access static members you need to use the class name where they are declared or an object of the class.要访问 static 成员,您需要使用声明它们的 class 名称或 ZA2F2ED4F8DCEBC2CBBDZC21A2 的 object 名称。

Here is a demonstration program这是一个演示程序

#include <iostream>

namespace N
    class A
        inline static int x = 10;

    class B : public A

int main()
    std::cout << N::B::x << '\n';

The program output is程序 output 是


Or you could declare the static data member like for example或者您可以声明 static 数据成员,例如

const static int x = 10;


constexpr static int x = 10;

Or you could declare it within the class like或者您可以在 class 中声明它,例如

static int x;

and then define it outside the class like然后在 class 之外定义它

int A::x = 10;

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