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使用 flutter 从 firebase Firestore 获取数据

[英]fetching data from firebase firestore using flutter

I have an application where i need to get user real time location and push it into database using geoflutterfire, the code is working but i do not understand why it keeps generating multiple documents, while on the other side using the same plugin, we should use only collection reference, can any help me with this, Thank you我有一个应用程序,我需要获取用户实时位置并使用 geoflutterfire 将其推送到数据库中,代码正在运行,但我不明白为什么它会不断生成多个文档,而另一方面使用相同的插件,我们应该使用仅供参考,有大佬能帮帮我吗,谢谢

  • Picture showing pushing data into firestore using geoflutterfire plugin ( but why it keeps generating new documents, i just want to solely update the same document )图片显示使用 geoflutterfire 插件将数据推送到 firestore(但为什么它不断生成新文档,我只想更新同一个文档)


  • Push data into firebase firestore将数据推送到 firebase 火库
void updateDriverLocation(){
   Fluttertoast.showToast(msg: "Called");
   geoFlutterFire = Geoflutterfire();
   if(latitude != 0.0 && longitude != 0.0){
      GeoFirePoint geoFirePoint = geoFlutterFire.point(latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude);
      var map = HashMap<String,Object>();
      map['name'] = _firebaseAuth.currentUser!.uid;
      map['position'] = geoFirePoint.data;
  • get data from firebase firebase从 firebase firebase 获取数据

   void getDrivers(){
    geoFlutterFire = Geoflutterfire();
    GeoFirePoint geoFirePoint = GeoFirePoint(latitude, longitude);
    var ref = _firebaseFirestore.collection('Drivers');
    var locations = geoFlutterFire.collection(collectionRef: ref).within(center: geoFirePoint, radius: maxRadius, field: 'position');
    locations.listen((List<DocumentSnapshot> documentList) {
       for (var documentSnapshot in documentList) {
         Map<String,Object> map = documentSnapshot.get('geopoint');
         double lat = map['latitude'] as double;
         double lon = map['longitude'] as double;
         //_list.add(LatLng(lat, lon));
                    markerId: MarkerId(DateTime.now().millisecond.toString()),
                    position: LatLng(lat,lon),
                    icon: BitmapDescriptor.defaultMarker

  • This is how i'm trying to listen to the data returned from firestore这就是我试图收听从firestore返回的数据的方式

The .add() method creates a new document with a random ID every time. .add()方法每次都会创建一个带有随机 ID 的新文档。 If you want to update a specific document then you must use update() on a DocumentReference .如果要更新特定文档,则必须在DocumentReference上使用update() Try the following:尝试以下操作:


This will update current drivers document only.这将仅更新当前的驱动程序文档。

GeoFlutterFire has the following to specify DocID: GeoFlutterFire 具有以下指定 DocID:

geoRef.setDoc(String id, var data, {bool merge})

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