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Kotlin Coroutines 是否替换 AsyncTask?

[英]Does Kotlin Coroutines replace AsyncTask?

Is AsyncTask still needed?还需要AsyncTask吗?

In Android with Java, we used to implement an AsyncTask and AsyncTaskLoader , but recently I've been beginning to learn Kotlin and I've noticed that things like that are done by Kotlin Coroutines. In Android with Java, we used to implement an AsyncTask and AsyncTaskLoader , but recently I've been beginning to learn Kotlin and I've noticed that things like that are done by Kotlin Coroutines.

AsyncTask it's officially deprecated since Android11 AsyncTaskAndroid11起已正式弃用


Coroutines are the recommended choice, and considering Kotlin is the official language since 2017, then using AsyncTask is no longer a standard option.协程是推荐的选择,考虑到Coroutines是自 2017 年以来的官方语言,因此使用AsyncTask不再是标准选项。

Yes, you use Kotlin Coroutines to perform async operations now.是的,您现在使用 Kotlin 协程来执行异步操作。

If you are looking for Coroutine usage, then here is an example of using Coroutines to fetch data from different sources asynchronously:-如果您正在寻找 Coroutine 的用法,那么这里有一个使用 Coroutines 从不同来源异步获取数据的示例:-

https://codingnconcepts.com/kotlin/fetch-data-from-sources-async/ https://codingnconcepts.com/kotlin/fetch-data-from-sources-async/

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