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Redmine 上的 Actionmailer 在 email 发送时输出错误“证书验证失败(自签名证书)”

[英]Actionmailer on Redmine outputs error "certificate verify failed (self signed certificate)" on email send

I updated a Bitnami Redmine package from version 4.2.1-0 to version 5.0.2-2.我将 Bitnami Redmine package 从版本 4.2.1-0 更新到版本 5.0.2-2。

I successfully migrated all data to the new server, but now the actionmailer doesn't work anymore.我成功地将所有数据迁移到新服务器,但现在 actionmailer 不再工作了。

When I try to send a test message, an error message "An error occurred while sending mail (SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=error: certificate verify failed (self signed certificate))" appears.当我尝试发送测试消息时,出现错误消息“发送邮件时发生错误(SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=error: certificate verify failed (self signed certificate))”。

Our mail server requires no tls or authentication at all so I have tried to disable tls in the configuration, but that has made no difference.我们的邮件服务器根本不需要 tls 或身份验证,因此我尝试在配置中禁用 tls,但这没有任何区别。

Configuration for the action mailer is the same one, that works on 4.2.1-0:动作邮件程序的配置是相同的,适用于 4.2.1-0:

    delivery_method: :smtp
      enable_starttls_auto: false
      address: smtp.myCompany.com
      port: 587

Have you found a solution to the problem?你找到解决问题的方法了吗? I'm facing the same problem.我面临同样的问题。 And I haven't been able to solve it yet.而且我还没有解决它。

put settings in production section not in default section将设置放在生产部分而不是默认部分

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