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编辑 Visio 形状 Excel OLE 链接

[英]Editing Visio Shape Excel OLE Links

I have a Visio doc that has ~200 links to a collection of Excel spreadsheets.我有一个 Visio 文档,其中有大约 200 个指向 Excel 电子表格集合的链接。 I have the spreadsheets but the Visio links point to a path that is inaccessible.我有电子表格,但 Visio 链接指向无法访问的路径。 I would like to change these.我想改变这些。 Using Visio Plan 2.使用 Visio 计划 2。

By a lot of experimenting the only way I could find was to open the doc, tell Visio to update the links, then when it failed go through the links in the convert dialog that appeared.通过大量试验,我能找到的唯一方法是打开文档,告诉 Visio 更新链接,然后当它通过出现的转换对话框中的链接失败 go 时。

This dialog isn't very helpful as the file path is all jammed into a small text box with no resizing controls.这个对话框不是很有帮助,因为文件路径都卡在一个没有调整大小控件的小文本框中。 Fortunately, I could see the end of the filename and that was sufficient for me to determine which file was for each link.幸运的是,我可以看到文件名的结尾,这足以让我确定每个链接对应的文件。

I had to edit each one of these entries individually as one can't group select and edit in this dialog.我必须单独编辑这些条目中的每一个,因为无法将 select 分组并在此对话框中进行编辑。

Pain that it was, I did get the links hardcoded to another location, so at least that aspect works.痛苦的是,我确实将链接硬编码到另一个位置,所以至少这方面有效。

However, I need to have these as a relative location so that the vsd and xls files can travel together and any other user can open the vsd no matter the location, just so the vsd and xls are in the same folder.但是,我需要将这些作为相对位置,以便 vsd 和 xls 文件可以一起传输,并且任何其他用户都可以打开 vsd,无论位置如何,这样 vsd 和 xls 就在同一个文件夹中。

I can't find a way to do this.我找不到办法做到这一点。 I tried prepending the file name with '..\filename', Visio complained but I went through and edited all of them, saved, but it failed to find them when I re-opened the document.我尝试在文件名前加上“..\filename”,Visio 抱怨,但我浏览并编辑了所有文件,保存了,但当我重新打开文档时找不到它们。

How can I make a relative path in these?如何在这些中创建相对路径? Is there an easier way to edit the links?有没有更简单的方法来编辑链接?


Call "Links" window via pane "Tell me what you want to do"通过窗格“告诉我你想做什么”调用“链接”window“链接”窗口

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