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[英]Change excel's default cursor

For years and years, my default excel cursor was always the arrow pointer/clicker.多年来,我的默认 excel cursor 始终是箭头指针/点击器。 All of a sudden it seems to be a big fat gross plus sign and I hate every second I have to look at it.突然之间,这似乎是一个巨大的脂肪加号,我讨厌每一秒都必须看它。 I know there is a VB macro I can write that will call the default cursor, but that having to do that every single time I make or load an excel file is going to slow me down and drive me insane.我知道我可以编写一个 VB 宏,它会调用默认的 cursor,但是每次我制作或加载 excel 文件时都必须这样做,这会让我慢下来,让我发疯。 Does anyone know how I can permanently set the default back to my sleek and lovely arrow?有谁知道如何将默认设置永久设置回我时尚可爱的箭头?

Drag and drop needs to be enabled.需要启用拖放功能。

To enable drag and drop, select File > Options Under Options, select Advanced Under Editing Options, select "Enable fill handle and cell drag and drop" Click OK要启用拖放,select File > Options Under Options,select Advanced Under Editing Options,select“启用填充手柄和单元格拖放”

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