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使用moviepy python将所有图像转换为单独的视频

[英]convert all image into separate video using moviepy python

I have 10 images in a folder under current directory of where my python script is stored.我的 python 脚本所在的当前目录下的文件夹中有 10 张图像。 I want to convert all my 10 images into 10 videos with the same file name (or) existing filename+suffix(somename).mp4.我想将我所有的 10 个图像转换为 10 个具有相同文件名(或)现有文件名+后缀(somename).mp4 的视频。 The problem is the below script is converting either all images into one video or erroring out.问题是以下脚本正在将所有图像转换为一个视频或出错。 Need help to fix my problem.需要帮助来解决我的问题。

Error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "1.py", line 17, in video.write_videofile(filename, prefix+".mp4", fps=24) TypeError: write_videofile() got multiple values for argument 'fps'错误:回溯(最近一次调用最后一次):文件“1.py”,第 17 行,在 video.write_videofile(文件名,前缀+“.mp4”,fps=24)类型错误:write_videofile()得到了参数“fps”的多个值

    import os
    from moviepy.editor import *
    base_dir = os.path.realpath(".")
    clips = []
    for filename in directory:
      if filename.endswith(".jpg"):
        prefix = filename.split(".jpg")[0]
    video = concatenate(clips, method="compose")
    video.write_videofile(filename, prefix+".mp4", fps=24)

The error is complaining that it is receiving to many arguments.该错误抱怨它正在接收许多 arguments。

Try running the write_videofile without the filename argument.尝试在没有文件名参数的情况下运行write_videofile The signature only accepts one positional argument which should be the file you are writing to.签名只接受一个位置参数,它应该是您正在写入的文件。

video.write_videofile(prefix+".mp4", fps=24)

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