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如何检查 web 页面是否打开?

[英]How to check if a web page is open or not?

I have a website where users message each other through another website.我有一个网站,用户通过另一个网站互相发送消息。 My problem is that everytime user click on message item this action opens a new tab.我的问题是每次用户单击消息项时,此操作都会打开一个新选项卡。

Having a lot of conversations makes this quite annoying, especially when using on a smartphone.进行大量对话会使这很烦人,尤其是在智能手机上使用时。

Is there any way to check if the website for texting is open?有什么方法可以检查发短信的网站是否打开?

If you are using window.open() you can add the target parameter.如果您使用的是 window.open() 您可以添加目标参数。

A string, without whitespace, specifying the name of the browsing context the resource is being loaded into.一个字符串,没有空格,指定资源正在加载到的浏览上下文的名称。 If the name doesn't identify an existing context, a new context is created and given the specified name.如果名称不能识别现有上下文,则会创建一个新上下文并赋予指定的名称。 The special target keywords, _self, _blank, _parent, and _top, can also be used.也可以使用特殊目标关键字_self、_blank、_parent 和_top。


window.open("https://www.mozilla.org/", "mozillaTab");

I hope it helps you:)我希望它可以帮助你:)

You are looking for postMessage .您正在寻找postMessage Synapsis:突触:

postMessage(message, targetOrigin, transfer)
  • message is the actual message you want to send message是您要发送的实际消息
  • targetOrigin specifies which domain is the target targetOrigin指定哪个域是目标
  • transfer is a sequence of transferrable objects that are transmitted with the message transfer是与消息一起传输的一系列可转移对象

So, what you really want is to have this conversation:所以,你真正想要的是进行这样的对话:

  • Page1: are you there?第1页:你在吗?
  • Page2: yes第2页:是的


  • Page1: are you there?第1页:你在吗?
  • ... (timeout) ... (暂停)

I will call Page2 the page whose existence we wonder about and Page1 the page which wonders about Page2's existence.我将把 Page2 称为我们想知道其存在的页面,并将 Page1 称为想知道 Page2 存在的页面。

First of all, you need a message handler at both Page1 and Page2.首先,您需要在 Page1 和 Page2 上都有一个消息处理程序。 Synapsis:突触:

window.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
  if (event.origin !== "http://example.org:8080")

  //check event.data and see what happens
}, false);

On Page 2, your message handler will need to check whether the message asks about its existence and calls postMessage('Yes, I am here', event.origin);在第 2 页,您的消息处理程序将需要检查消息是否询问其存在并调用postMessage('Yes, I am here', event.origin); if so.如果是这样。 Page1, on the other hand initiates the messaging by calling postMessage('Are you there?', theurl);另一方面,Page1 通过调用postMessage('Are you there?', theurl);来启动消息传递。 (where you need to replace theurl with your value). (您需要用您的值替换theurl )。 Now, Page1 expects a message.现在,Page1 需要一条消息。 If the message arrives, then Page2 exists.如果消息到达,则 Page2 存在。 If not, then after a timeout you need to handle the nonexistence of Page2.如果没有,那么在超时后您需要处理 Page2 的不存在。 So, you will have something like this at Page1:所以,你会在第 1 页有这样的东西:

var wasFound = false;
postMessage('Are you there', theurl);
setTimeout(function() {
    if (!wasFound) {
        //The page needs to be opened
}, 500);

Naturally, you will need to set wasFound to true when you receive a message from Page2 and you will need to make sure that the message handler sees the same wasFound variable that your timeout checks for.自然,当您收到来自 Page2 的消息时,您需要将wasFound设置为 true,并且您需要确保消息处理程序看到与您的timeout检查相同的wasFound变量。

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