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如何根据 Python 中列表的顺序创建字典

[英]How to create a dictionary based on order from list of list in Python

My source list looks like this:我的源列表如下所示:

source = 

I would need to create my target in the following format:我需要按以下格式创建我的目标:


So, last value from the dictionary will become the keys and the order is maintained.因此,字典中的最后一个值将成为键并保持顺序。 Say, for Type2 I have three answers.说,对于Type2,我有三个答案。 Hence my target has key as Type2 and it has three inner dictionaries with 0,1,2.因此,我的目标的键为 Type2,并且它具有三个内部字典,分别为 0、1、2。

I have already created my empty target dictionary (Type3, Type4, Type5 are empty are there no records for these types in my source):我已经创建了我的空目标字典(Type3、Type4、Type5 是空的,我的源中没有这些类型的记录):

empty_target = 

Can anyone assist me how can I populate empty_target with source?谁能帮助我如何用源填充 empty_target ? Thanks.谢谢。

Edit: Added the code to create the empty target:编辑:添加了创建空目标的代码:

#Sorting my source data
import operator
source = [['Ans1','Section1','Type2'],['Ans2','Section1','Type2'],['Ans3','Section2','Type2'],['Ans4','Section1','Type1']]
new_ = sorted(source, key = operator.itemgetter(0,2))
[['Ans1', 'Section1', 'Type2'], ['Ans2', 'Section1', 'Type2'], ['Ans3', 'Section2', 'Type2'], ['Ans4', 'Section1', 'Type1']]

#Getting the count of Types
doctype_list = [d[2] for d in new]
docs_count_dict = {}
for x in set(doctype_list):
    docs_count_dict[x] = doctype_list.count(x)
{'Type2': 3, 'Type1': 1}

#Sorting the type based on new_ list
sorted_docs = sorted(set(doctype_list),key=doctype_list.index)
sorted_docs_orig = sorted_docs.copy()
print (sorted_docs_orig)
['Type2', 'Type1']

tot_types = ['Type1','Type2','Type3','Type4','Type5']

#Sorting the types out of total types : Note Type2 is ordered first as it is the first type in new_
for val in tot_types:
    if val in sorted_docs:
['Type2', 'Type1', 'Type3', 'Type4', 'Type5']

#Creating my empty target:
api_res = {}
for val in sorted_docs:
    api_res[val] = {}
print (api_res)
{'Type2': {}, 'Type1': {}, 'Type3': {}, 'Type4': {}, 'Type5': {}}

cols = ['Ans','Section']
for key,val in api_res.items():
    if key in docs_count_dict:
        for i in range(docs_count_dict[key]):
            val[i] = dict.fromkeys(cols, "")
print (api_res)
{'Type2': {0: {'Ans': '', 'Section': ''},
  1: {'Ans': '', 'Section': ''},
  2: {'Ans': '', 'Section': ''}},
 'Type1': {0: {'Ans': '', 'Section': ''}},
 'Type3': {},
 'Type4': {},
 'Type5': {}}

I tried this and it gave the same result as yours:我试过这个,结果和你的一样:

source = 

# empty_target == d
# start index == si
# source == s

d = {}
si = 0
for i in source:
    if i[-1] not in d:
        si = 0
        d[i[-1]] = {}
        d[i[-1]][str(si)] = {
            "Ans": i[0],
            "Section": i[1]
        si += 1
        d[i[-1]][str(si)] = {
            "Ans": i[0],
            "Section": i[1]


 'Type2': {
    '0': {
        'Ans': 'Ans1',
        'Section': 'Section1'},
    '1': {
        'Ans': 'Ans2',
        'Section': 'Section1'},
    '2': {
        'Ans': 'Ans3',
        'Section': 'Section2'
 'Type1': {
    '0': {
        'Ans': 'Ans4',
        'Section': 'Section1'

It could be simpler first create dictionary with lists首先创建带有列表的字典可能更简单

# --- create empty lists ---

tot_types = ['Type1','Type2','Type3','Type4','Type5']

result = {t:[] for t in tot_types}

# it givies: {'Type1': [], 'Type2': [], 'Type3': [], 'Type4': [], 'Type5': []}

# --- fill lists ---

data = [['Ans1','Section1','Type2'],['Ans2','Section1','Type2'],['Ans3','Section2','Type2'],['Ans4','Section1','Type1']]

for a, s, t in data:
    result[t].append({'Ans': a, 'Section': s})


    [{'Ans': 'Ans1', 'Section': 'Section1'}, {'Ans': 'Ans2', 'Section': 'Section1'}, {'Ans': 'Ans3', 'Section': 'Section2'}], 
    [{'Ans': 'Ans4', 'Section': 'Section1'}]},

And later convert every list to dictionary然后将每个列表转换为字典

for key, value in result.items():
    dictionary = {str(number): content for number, content in enumerate(value)}
    result[key] = dictionary



    {'0': {'Ans': 'Ans1', 'Section': 'Section1'}, '1': {'Ans': 'Ans2', 'Section': 'Section1'}, '2': {'Ans': 'Ans3', 'Section': 'Section2'}}, 
    {'0': {'Ans': 'Ans4', 'Section': 'Section1'}}

Full example code:完整示例代码:

# --- create empty lists ---

tot_types = ['Type1','Type2','Type3','Type4','Type5']

result = {t:[] for t in tot_types}

# it givies: {'Type1': [], 'Type2': [], 'Type3': [], 'Type4': [], 'Type5': []}

# --- fill lists ---

data = [['Ans1','Section1','Type2'],['Ans2','Section1','Type2'],['Ans3','Section2','Type2'],['Ans4','Section1','Type1']]

for a, s, t in data:
    result[t].append({'Ans': a, 'Section': s})

# --- convert lists to dictionares ---

for key, value in result.items():
    dictionary = {str(number): content for number, content in enumerate(value)}
    result[key] = dictionary


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