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Flutter 注销后应用登录 PostgresSQLException

[英]Flutter app login after a logout PostgresSQLException

I'm working on a Flutter app using Riverpod for the state management and Postgres for the database.我正在使用 Riverpod 进行 state 管理和 Postgres 数据库的 Flutter 应用程序。 I try to do a simple thing: display a message in the home screen with the nickname of the current user.我尝试做一件简单的事情:在主屏幕上显示一条带有当前用户昵称的消息。 When I logout and login to check if my feature works, my user is null and my console display a PostgresSQLException:当我注销并登录以检查我的功能是否有效时,我的用户是 null 并且我的控制台显示 PostgresSQLException:

PostgreSQLSeverity.error : Attempting to reopen a closed connection. Create a instance instead.

Any idea where I made a mistake?知道我在哪里犯了错误吗? My user_repository:我的用户存储库:

 PostgreSQLConnection connection = PostgreSQLConnection(
      '', 5432, DatabaseAccess.databaseName,
      queryTimeoutInSeconds: 3600,
      timeoutInSeconds: 3600,
      username: DatabaseAccess.databaseUser,
      password: DatabaseAccess.databasePassword);

  Future<AppUser?> getCurrentUser() async {
    try {
      await connection.open();
      final result = await connection.mappedResultsQuery(
        'select * from public.user where email = @emailValue',
        substitutionValues: {
          'emailValue': email,
        allowReuse: true,
        timeoutInSeconds: 30,

      final userFromDataBase = result[0]['user']!;
      return AppUser(
        email: userFromDataBase['email'],
        nickname: userFromDataBase['nickname'],
        role: userFromDataBase['role'],
        firstname: userFromDataBase['firstname'],
        lastname: userFromDataBase['lastname'],
    } on PostgreSQLException catch(e) {
      print(ErrorHandler(message: e.toString()));
      return null;

My screen:我的屏幕:

class HomeScreen extends HookConsumerWidget {
  const HomeScreen({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
    final currentUser = ref.watch(currentUserProvider);
    return Scaffold(
      body: currentUser.when(
        data: (user) =>  _buildBody(context, user, ref),
        loading: () =>  const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()),
        error: (error, _) => _errorBody(context, ref),

  Widget _buildBody(BuildContext context, AppUser? user, WidgetRef ref) {
    if(user == null) {
      return _errorBody(context, ref);
    } else {
      return Center(child: Text(
          'Welcome ${user.getNickname}',
        style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 20),

  Widget _errorBody(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
    return const Center(child: Text(
        "Error: No user found",
      style: TextStyle(fontSize: 20, color: Colors.red),


I resolved this issue with the following code.我用下面的代码解决了这个问题。 It wasn't a postgres issue but a dark story about riverpod's providers.这不是 postgres 问题,而是有关 Riverpod 提供者的黑暗故事。

My providers.dart:我的供应商。dart:

final futureCurrentUserProvider = Provider<Future<AppUser?>>((ref) {
  return UserRepository().getCurrentUser(ref.watch(emailChangeProvider));

final currentUserProvider = FutureProvider.autoDispose<AppUser?>((ref) => UserRepository().getCurrentUser(ref.watch(emailChangeProvider)));

final authChangeProvider = StreamProvider<User?>((ref) {
  return ref.read(authRepositoryProvider).authUserChange;

final emailChangeProvider = Provider<String?>((ref) {
  return ref.watch(authChangeProvider).value?.email;

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