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Dialogflow CX - 使用情绪分析分数转换到页面

[英]Dialogflow CX - Transition to page using sentiment analysis score

Does anyone know if it's possible to transition to a different page solely off of a sentiment analysis score ( $request.sentiment.score ) of the end-user's response?有谁知道是否可以仅根据最终用户响应的情绪分析分数 ( $request.sentiment.score ) 转换到不同的页面?

I basically want the agent to ask the end-user a question and then have the agent route the user to a page strictly using the sentiment analysis score of the user's response and nothing more我基本上希望代理向最终用户提问,然后让代理严格使用用户响应的情绪分析分数将用户路由到页面,仅此而已

What I tried so far:到目前为止我尝试了什么:

Through the Dialogflow-CX simulator, I am trying to transition to a different page using the conditional statement $request.sentiment.score <= 0 in the route, however the agent does not transition to the next page and cannot match my input to the strictly conditional route (it just jumps to the sys.no-match-default event handler)通过 Dialogflow-CX 模拟器,我试图在路由中使用条件语句$request.sentiment.score <= 0转换到另一个页面,但是代理不会转换到下一页并且无法将我的输入与严格条件路由(它只是跳转到sys.no-match-default事件处理程序)

Here is a screenshot of the route I have set up:这是我设置的路线的屏幕截图:


As you can see, the route has no intents other than a conditional trigger that has $request.sentiment.score <= 0 as the parameter.如您所见,除了以$request.sentiment.score <= 0作为参数的条件触发器外,该路由没有其他意图。

I simply want the agent to direct the end-user to the next page whenever it detects a message with a negative sentiment score.我只是希望代理在检测到负面情绪评分的消息时将最终用户引导至下一页。 The next screenshot shows that the agent detects that the sentiment score is negative, however the agent does not transition to the next page.下一个屏幕截图显示代理检测到情绪得分为负,但代理没有转换到下一页。


Does anyone know what I seem to be doing wrong?有谁知道我似乎做错了什么?

In your project, it seems you have not selected intent that's why unable to go to the next page.You can follow the below steps in Dialogflow CX Console for your requirement:在您的项目中,您似乎没有选择意图,这就是为什么无法 go 到下一页的原因。您可以按照您的要求在 Dialogflow CX 控制台中执行以下步骤:

1 If you need to go to the bad_service page, then we need to give some negative words as you can see in the image below. 1 如果您需要 go 到 bad_service 页面,那么我们需要给出一些否定词,如下图所示。 在此处输入图像描述

2 In this, if $request.sentiment.score is less than zero then only the condition will satisfy. 2 在这种情况下,如果$request.sentiment.score小于零,那么只有条件会满足。 For example, if we give some negative words like bad service then $request.sentiment.score score is less than zero then will go to bad_service page.例如,如果我们给出一些负面的词,比如bad service那么$request.sentiment.score分数小于零,那么 go 会转到bad_service页面。 在此处输入图像描述

3 Now select the page. 3 现在 select 页面。


Example of working:工作示例:

1 Positive Query Score: 1 正查询分数:


Here the Query Score is 0.8 greater than zero,so the condition is not satisfied.此处Query Score is 0.8 ,因此不满足条件。

2 Negative Query Score: 2 负查询分数:


Here the Query Score is -0.9 so we reached the bad_services page.这里的Query Score is -0.9 ,所以我们到达了bad_services页面。

It is not possible to transition to a different page using Google DialogFlow's built-in sentiment analysis functionality.无法使用 Google DialogFlow 的内置情绪分析功能转换到其他页面。 The closest you can get to is using pre-trained statements最接近的是使用预训练语句

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