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如何定位 pandas Dataframe 中特定值的出现

[英]How to locate the Occurrences of a Specific value in pandas Dataframe

I want to locate a specific value which can occur in multiple columns.我想找到一个可能出现在多列中的特定值。 In my case it's "False".就我而言,它是“错误的”。 I know how to search "False" in individual columns as我知道如何在各个列中搜索“False”


Is there a way to find all at once?有没有办法一次性找到?

Unnamed: 0  Incident ID CR Number   Victims Zip Code    Address Number  Latitude    Longitude   Year    Month   Day
0   False   False   True    True    True    True    True    True    True    True    True
1   False   True    False   False   True    True    True    True    True    True    True
2   True    True    True    True    True    True    False   True    True    True    True
3   True    True    False   True    True    True    True    True    True    True    True
4   True    True    True    True    True    True    True    True    False   True    True

I want to see their locations.Hopefully something like我想看看他们的位置。希望像


If you want to get the indices stack , then slice:如果要获取索引stack ,请切片:

s = df.stack()

Or if you only have True / False :或者,如果您只有True / False


In one line:在一行中:

df.stack().loc[lambda s: ~s].index

If you want to assign value(s) on the False positions, a simple boolean indexing will do:如果要在False位置上分配值,一个简单的 boolean 索引就可以了:

df[df.eq(False)] = 'X'`

# or, if only True/False in the df 
df[~df] = 'X'`

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