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如何使同一网络上的其他 PC 可以访问 mac 上的 docker 容器

[英]How to make docker container on mac accessible by other PC on same network

I currently have several containers running inside docker which is handled by docker-compose file.我目前有几个容器在 docker 内运行,这些容器由 docker-compose 文件处理。

The roughly content of the docker compose file looks like below docker 撰写文件的大致内容如下所示

    container_name: app1
      - app2
    image: someimagepath
        context: ./app1
        dockerfile: Dockerfile
      - "80"
      - datanet   


Question: How can I make it so that the app1 can be accessible by my other PC so that I can hit the URL like http://<LAN-IP>: 80 and connect to it?问题:我怎样才能使我的另一台 PC 可以访问 app1,以便我可以像http://<LAN-IP>: 80一样点击 URL 并连接到它?


Your PC needs to access the Mac, so it needs the IP address of the Mac (suppose您的 PC 需要访问 Mac,因此需要 Mac 的 IP 地址(假设为。

Suppose your Mac has Internal Network IP From the PC you do: But then it enter the Mac on port 80.假设您的 Mac 有内部网络 IP 从您的 PC 执行:但随后它通过端口 80 进入 Mac。

Somehow you need to forward requests on the Mac to port 80 to your App1 Container.不知何故,您需要将 Mac 上的请求转发到端口 80 到您的 App1 容器。 You need a ProxyServer for that, like Nginx.为此,您需要一个 ProxyServer,例如 Nginx。

  1. create another Docker Container running Nginx, listening to port 80 on the Host (the Mac) This will make sure that requests to port 80 on the Mac are picked up by the Nginx Docker Container create another Docker Container running Nginx, listening to port 80 on the Host (the Mac) This will make sure that requests to port 80 on the Mac are picked up by the Nginx Docker Container
  2. The Nginx config file needs to forward requests on port 80 to your App1 Container This is a matter of proxy forwarding. Nginx 配置文件需要将端口 80 上的请求转发到您的 App1 容器这是代理转发的问题。 App1 can listen to any port, Nginx forwarding takes the right port. App1 可以监听任何端口,Nginx 转发采用正确的端口。 Many example of this on Nginx sites. Nginx 网站上有很多这样的例子。

Basically is comes down to realising that your PC cannot access a Docker Container running on another system directly.基本上归结为意识到您的 PC 无法直接访问在另一个系统上运行的 Docker 容器。 You something on the Host (where the container is running) to forward requests to that container.您在主机(容器正在运行的地方)上的某些东西将请求转发到该容器。

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