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身份验证服务器到服务器 GCP 互连

[英]Authentication Server to server GCP interconnect

I have an infrastructure in Google cloud, my api in Kubernetes Engine and an external server connected through interconnect, I wanted to know what is the best way to authenticate this external server in my system (GKE).我在谷歌云中有一个基础设施,我在 Kubernetes 引擎中的 api 和一个通过互连连接的外部服务器,我想知道在我的系统(GKE)中验证这个外部服务器的最佳方法是什么。

Using APIKeys would be safe enough?使用 APIKeys 是否足够安全?

This page explains how to configure an external identity provider to authenticate into Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters and also go through this link how to use api-server-authentication.页面说明如何配置外部身份提供程序以通过此链接对 Google Kubernetes 引擎 (GKE) 集群和 go 进行身份验证,如何使用 api-server-authentication。

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